1 - Tips for cc-backend frontend development

How to setup cc-backend for easiert frontend development

ClusterCockpit web frontend

The frontend assets including the Svelte js files are per default embedded in the go binary. To enable a quick turnaround cycle for web development of the frontend disable embedding of static assets in config.json:

"embed-static-files": false,
"static-files": "./web/frontend/public/",

Start the node build process (in directory ./web/frontend) in development mode:

> npm run dev

This will start the build process in listen mode. Whenever you change a source files the depending javascript targets will be automatically rebuild. In case the javascript files are minified you may need to set the production flag by hand to false in ./web/frontend/rollup.config.mjs:

const production = false

Usually this should work automatically.

Because the files are still served by ./cc-backend you have to reload the view explicitly in your browser.

A common setup is to have three terminals open:

  • One running cc-backend (working directory repository root): ./cc-backend -server -dev
  • Another running npm in developer mode (working directory ./web/frontend): npm run dev
  • And the last one editing the frontend source files

2 - Migrations

Database and job archive migrations


In general, an upgrade is nothing more than a replacement of the binary file. All the necessary files, except the database file, the configuration file and the job archive, are embedded in the binary file. It is recommended to use a directory where the file names of the binary files are named with a version indicator. This can be, for example, the date or the Unix epoch time. A symbolic link points to the version to be used. This makes it easier to switch to earlier versions.

The database and the job archive are versioned. Each release binary supports specific versions of the database and job archive. If a version mismatch is detected, the application is terminated and migration is required.

It is recommended to make a backup copy of the database before each update. This is mandatory in case the database needs to be migrated. In the case of sqlite, this means to stopping cc-backend and copying the sqlite database file somewhere.

Migrating the database

After you have backed up the database, run the following command to migrate the database to the latest version:

> ./cc-backend -migrate-db

The migration files are embedded in the binary and can also be viewed in the cc backend source tree. There are separate migration files for both supported database backends. We use the migrate library.

If something goes wrong, you can check the status and get the current schema (here for sqlite):

> sqlite3 var/job.db

In the sqlite console execute:


to get the current databse schema. You can query the current version and whether the migration failed with:

SELECT * FROM schema_migrations;

The first column indicates the current database version and the second column is a dirty flag indicating whether the migration was successful.

Migrating the job archive

Job archive migration requires a separate tool (archive-migration), which is part of the cc-backend source tree (build with go build ./tools/archive-migration) and is also provided as part of the releases.

Migration is supported only between two successive releases. The migration tool migrates the existing job archive to a new job archive. This means that there must be enough disk space for two complete job archives. If the tool is called without options:

> ./archive-migration

it is assumed that a job archive exists in ./var/job-archive. The new job archive is written to ./var/job-archive-new. Since execution is threaded in case of a fatal error, it is impossible to determine in which job the error occurred. In this case, you can run the tool in debug mode (with the -debug flag). In debug mode, threading is disabled and the job ID of each migrated job is output. Jobs with empty files will be skipped. Between multiple runs of the tools, the job-archive-new directory must be moved or deleted.

The cluster.json files in job-archive-new must be checked for errors, especially whether the aggregation attribute is set correctly for all metrics.

Migration takes several hours for relatively large job archives (several hundred GB). A versioned job archive contains a version.txt file in the root directory of the job archive. This file contains the version as an unsigned integer.

3 -

4 - Hands-On Demo

Hands-On Demo for a basic ClusterCockpit setup and API usage (without Docker)


  • perl
  • go
  • npm
  • Optional: curl
  • Script migrateTimestamp.pl


You find READMEs or api docs in

  • ./cc-backend/configs
  • ./cc-backend/init
  • ./cc-backend/api

ClusterCockpit configuration files


  • ./.env Passwords and Tokens set in the environment
  • ./config.json Configuration options for cc-backend


  • ./config.json Optional to overwrite configuration options


Not yet included in the hands-on setup.

Setup Components

Start by creating a base folder for all of the following steps.

  • mkdir clustercockpit
  • cd clustercockpit

Setup cc-backend

  • Clone Repository
    • git clone https://github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-backend.git
    • cd cc-backend
  • Build
    • make
  • Activate & configure environment for cc-backend
    • cp configs/env-template.txt .env
    • Optional: Have a look via vim .env
    • Copy the config.json file included in this tarball into the root directory of cc-backend: cp ../../config.json ./
  • Back to toplevel clustercockpit
    • cd ..
  • Prepare Datafolder and Database file
    • mkdir var
    • ./cc-backend -migrate-db

Setup cc-metric-store

  • Clone Repository
    • git clone https://github.com/ClusterCockpit/cc-metric-store.git
    • cd cc-metric-store
  • Build Go Executable
    • go get
    • go build
  • Prepare Datafolders
    • mkdir -p var/checkpoints
    • mkdir -p var/archive
  • Update Config
    • vim config.json
    • Exchange existing setting in metrics with the following:
"clock":      { "frequency": 60, "aggregation": null },
"cpi":        { "frequency": 60, "aggregation": null },
"cpu_load":   { "frequency": 60, "aggregation": null },
"flops_any":  { "frequency": 60, "aggregation": null },
"flops_dp":   { "frequency": 60, "aggregation": null },
"flops_sp":   { "frequency": 60, "aggregation": null },
"ib_bw":      { "frequency": 60, "aggregation": null },
"lustre_bw":  { "frequency": 60, "aggregation": null },
"mem_bw":     { "frequency": 60, "aggregation": null },
"mem_used":   { "frequency": 60, "aggregation": null },
"rapl_power": { "frequency": 60, "aggregation": null }
  • Back to toplevel clustercockpit
    • cd ..

Setup Demo Data

  • mkdir source-data
  • cd source-data
  • Download JobArchive-Source:
    • wget https://hpc-mover.rrze.uni-erlangen.de/HPC-Data/0x7b58aefb/eig7ahyo6fo2bais0ephuf2aitohv1ai/job-archive-dev.tar.xz
    • tar xJf job-archive-dev.tar.xz
    • mv ./job-archive ./job-archive-source
    • rm ./job-archive-dev.tar.xz
  • Download CC-Metric-Store Checkpoints:
    • mkdir -p cc-metric-store-source/checkpoints
    • cd cc-metric-store-source/checkpoints
    • wget https://hpc-mover.rrze.uni-erlangen.de/HPC-Data/0x7b58aefb/eig7ahyo6fo2bais0ephuf2aitohv1ai/cc-metric-store-checkpoints.tar.xz
    • tar xf cc-metric-store-checkpoints.tar.xz
    • rm cc-metric-store-checkpoints.tar.xz
  • Back to source-data
    • cd ../..
  • Run timestamp migration script. This may take tens of minutes!
    • cp ../migrateTimestamps.pl .
    • ./migrateTimestamps.pl
    • Expected output:
Starting to update start- and stoptimes in job-archive for emmy
Starting to update start- and stoptimes in job-archive for woody
Done for job-archive
Starting to update checkpoint filenames and data starttimes for emmy
Starting to update checkpoint filenames and data starttimes for woody
Done for checkpoints
  • Copy cluster.json files from source to migrated folders
    • cp source-data/job-archive-source/emmy/cluster.json cc-backend/var/job-archive/emmy/
    • cp source-data/job-archive-source/woody/cluster.json cc-backend/var/job-archive/woody/
  • Initialize Job-Archive in SQLite3 job.db and add demo user
    • cd cc-backend
    • ./cc-backend -init-db -add-user demo:admin:demo
    • Expected output:
<6>[INFO]    new user "demo" created (roles: ["admin"], auth-source: 0)
<6>[INFO]    Building job table...
<6>[INFO]    A total of 3936 jobs have been registered in 1.791 seconds.
  • Back to toplevel clustercockpit
    • cd ..

Startup both Apps

  • In cc-backend root: $./cc-backend -server -dev
    • Starts Clustercockpit at http:localhost:8080
      • Log: <6>[INFO] HTTP server listening at :8080...
    • Use local internet browser to access interface
      • You should see and be able to browse finished Jobs
      • Metadata is read from SQLite3 database
      • Metricdata is read from job-archive/JSON-Files
    • Create User in settings (top-right corner)
      • Name apiuser
      • Username apiuser
      • Role API
      • Submit & Refresh Page
    • Create JTW for apiuser
      • In Userlist, press Gen. JTW for apiuser
      • Save JWT for later use
  • In cc-metric-store root: $./cc-metric-store
    • Start the cc-metric-store on http:localhost:8081, Log:
2022/07/15 17:17:42 Loading checkpoints newer than 2022-07-13T17:17:42+02:00
2022/07/15 17:17:45 Checkpoints loaded (5621 files, 319 MB, that took 3.034652s)
2022/07/15 17:17:45 API http endpoint listening on ''
  • Does not have a graphical interface
  • Otpional: Test function by executing:
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFZERTQSJ9.eyJ1c2VyIjoiYWRtaW4iLCJyb2xlcyI6WyJST0xFX0FETUlOIiwiUk9MRV9BTkFMWVNUIiwiUk9MRV9VU0VSIl19.d-3_3FZTsadPjDEdsWrrQ7nS0edMAR4zjl-eK7rJU3HziNBfI9PDHDIpJVHTNN5E5SlLGLFXctWyKAkwhXL-Dw" -D - "http://localhost:8081/api/query" -d "{ \"cluster\": \"emmy\", \"from\": $(expr $(date +%s) - 60), \"to\": $(date +%s), \"queries\": [{
  \"metric\": \"flops_any\",
  \"host\": \"e1111\"
}] }"

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2022 13:57:22 GMT
Content-Length: 119

Development API web interfaces

The -dev flag enables web interfaces to document and test the apis:

  • Local GQL Playgorund - A GraphQL playground. To use it you must have a authenticated session in the same browser.
  • Local Swagger Docs - A Swagger UI. To use it you have to be logged out, so no user session in the same browser. Use the JWT token with role Api generate previously to authenticate via http header.

Use cc-backend API to start job

  • Enter the URL http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html in your browser.

  • Enter your JWT token you generated for the API user by clicking the green Authorize button in the upper right part of the window.

  • Click the /job/start_job endpoint and click the Try it out button.

  • Enter the following json into the request body text area and fill in a recent start timestamp by executing date +%s.:

    "jobId":         100000,
    "arrayJobId":    0,
    "user":          "ccdemouser",
    "subCluster":    "main",
    "cluster":       "emmy",
    "startTime":    <date +%s>,
    "project":       "ccdemoproject",
    "resources":  [
        {"hostname":  "e0601"},
        {"hostname":  "e0823"},
        {"hostname":  "e0337"},
        {"hostname": "e1111"}],
    "numNodes":      4,
    "numHwthreads":  80,
    "walltime":      86400
  • The response body should be the database id of the started job, for example:
  "id": 3937
  • Check in ClusterCockpit
    • User ccdemouser should appear in Users-Tab with one running job
    • It could take up to 5 Minutes until the Job is displayed with some current data (5 Min Short-Job Filter)
    • Job then is marked with a green running tag
    • Metricdata displayed is read from cc-metric-store!

Use cc-backend API to stop job

  • Enter the URL http://localhost:8080/swagger/index.html in your browser.
  • Enter your JWT token you generated for the API user by clicking the green Authorize button in the upper right part of the window.
  • Click the /job/stop_job/{id} endpoint and click the Try it out button.
  • Enter the database id at id that was returned by start_job and copy the following into the request body. Replace the timestamp with a recent one:
  "cluster": "emmy",
  "jobState": "completed",
  "stopTime": <RECENT TS>
  • On success a json document with the job meta data is returned.

  • Check in ClusterCockpit

    • User ccdemouser should appear in Users-Tab with one completed job
    • Job is no longer marked with a green running tag -> Completed!
    • Metricdata displayed is now read from job-archive!
  • Check in job-archive

    • cd ./cc-backend/var/job-archive/emmy/100/000
    • cd $STARTTIME
    • Inspect meta.json and data.json

Helper scripts

  • In this tarball you can find the perl script generate_subcluster.pl that helps to generate the subcluster section for your system. Usage:
  • Log into an exclusive cluster node.
  • The LIKWID tools likwid-topology and likwid-bench must be in the PATH!
  • $./generate_subcluster.pl outputs the subcluster section on stdout

Please be aware that

  • You have to enter the name and node list for the subCluster manually.
  • GPU detection only works if LIKWID was build with Cuda avalable and you run likwid-topology also with Cuda loaded.
  • Do not blindly trust the measured peakflops values.
  • Because the script blindly relies on the CSV format output by likwid-topology this is a fragile undertaking!

5 - How to add a notification banner

Add a message of the day banner on homepage


To add a notification banner you can add a file notice.txt to the ./var directory of the cc-backend server. As long as this file is present all text in this file is shown in an info banner on the homepage.

Add notification banner in web interface

As an alternative the admin role can also add and edit the notification banner from the settings view.

6 - How to create a `cluster.json` file

How to initially create a cluster configuration


Every cluster is configured using a dedicated cluster.json file, that is part of the job archive. You can find the JSON schema for it here. This file provides information about the homogeneous hardware partitions within the cluster including the node topology and the metric list. A real production configuration is provided as part of cc-examples.


There are the following main parts:

  • name: The name of the cluster
  • metricConfig: The metric list configuration
  • subClusters: Homogeneous hardware partitions in the cluster

The metric configuration

There is one metric list per cluster. You can find a list of recommended metrics and their naming here.

7 - How to customize cc-backend

Add legal texts, modify login page, and add custom logo.


Customizing cc-backend means changing the logo, legal texts, and the login template instead of the placeholders. You can also place a text file in ./var to add dynamic status or notification messages to the ClusterCockpit homepage.

To replace the imprint.tmpl and privacy.tmpl legal texts, you can place your version in ./var/. At startup cc-backend will check if ./var/imprint.tmpl and/or ./var/privacy.tmpl exist and use them instead of the built-in placeholders. You can use the placeholders in web/templates as a blueprint.

Replace login template

To replace the default login layout and styling, you can place your version in ./var/. At startup cc-backend will check if ./var/login.tmpl exist and use it instead of the built-in placeholder. You can use the default template web/templates/login.tmpl as a blueprint.

To change the logo displayed in the navigation bar, you can provide the file logo.png in the folder ./var/img/. On startup cc-backend will check if the folder exists and use the images provided there instead of the built-in images. You may also place additional images there you use in a custom login template.

Add notification banner on homepage

To add a notification banner you can add a file notice.txt to ./var. As long as this file is present all text in this file is shown in an info banner on the homepage.

8 - How to deploy and update cc-backend

Recommended deployment and update workflow for production use

Workflow for deployment

It is recommended to install all ClusterCockpit components in a common directory, e.g. /opt/monitoring, var/monitoring or var/clustercockpit. In the following we use /opt/monitoring.

Two systemd services run on the central monitoring server:

  • clustercockpit : binary cc-backend in /opt/monitoring/cc-backend.
  • cc-metric-store : Binary cc-metric-store in /opt/monitoring/cc-metric-store.

ClusterCockpit is deployed as a single binary that embeds all static assets. We recommend keeping all cc-backend binary versions in a folder archive and linking the currently active one from the cc-backend root. This allows for easy roll-back in case something doesn’t work.

Workflow to update

This example assumes the DB and job archive versions did not change. In case the new binary requires a newer database or job archive version read here how to migrate to newer versions.

  • Stop systemd service:
sudo systemctl stop clustercockpit.service
  • Backup the sqlite DB file! This is as simple as to copy it.
  • Copy new cc-backend binary to /opt/monitoring/cc-backend/archive (Tip: Use a date tag like YYYYMMDD-cc-backend). Here is an example:
cp ~/cc-backend /opt/monitoring/cc-backend/archive/20231124-cc-backend
  • Link from cc-backend root to current version
ln -s  /opt/monitoring/cc-backend/archive/20231124-cc-backend /opt/monitoring/cc-backend/cc-backend
  • Start systemd service:
sudo systemctl start clustercockpit.service
  • Check if everything is ok:
sudo systemctl status clustercockpit.service
  • Check log for issues:
sudo journalctl -u clustercockpit.service
  • Check the ClusterCockpit web frontend and your Slurm adapters if anything is broken!

9 - How to generate JWT tokens


ClusterCockpit uses JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for authorization of its APIs. JWTs are the industry standard for securing APIs and is also used for example in OAuth2. For details on JWTs refer to the JWT article in the Concepts section.

When a user logs in via the /login page using a browser, a session cookie (secured using the random bytes in the SESSION_KEY env variable you should change as well in production) is used for all requests after the successful login. The JWTs make it easier to use the APIs of ClusterCockpit using scripts or other external programs. The token is specified n the Authorization HTTP header using the Bearer schema (there is an example below). Tokens can be issued to users from the configuration view in the Web-UI or the command line (using the -jwt <username> option). In order to use the token for API endpoints such as /api/jobs/start_job/, the user that executes it needs to have the api role. Regular users can only perform read-only queries and only look at data connected to jobs they started themselves.

There are two usage scenarios:

  • The APIs are used during a browser session. API accesses are authorized with the active session.
  • The REST API is used outside a browser session, e.g. by scripts. In this case you have to issue a token manually. This possible from within the configuration view or on the command line. It is recommended to issue a JWT token in this case for a special user that only has the api role. By using different users for different purposes a fine grained access control and access revocation management is possible.

The token is commonly specified in the Authorization HTTP header using the Bearer schema. ClusterCockpit uses a ECDSA private/public keypair to sign and verify its tokens. You can use cc-backend to generate new JWT tokens.


Create a new ECDSA Public/private key pair for signing and validating tokens

We provide a small utility tool as part of cc-backend:

go build ./cmd/gen-keypair/

Add key pair in your .env file for cc-backend

An env file template can be found in ./configs. cc-backend requires the private key to sign newly generated JWT tokens and the public key to validate tokens used to authenticate in its REST APIs.

Generate new JWT token

Every user with the admin role can create or change a user in the configuration view of the web interface. To generate a new JWT for a user just press the GenJWT button behind the user name in the user list.

A new api user and corresponding JWT keys can also be generated from the command line.

Create new API user with admin and api role:

./cc-backend -add-user myapiuser:admin,api:<password>

Create a new JWT token for this user:

./cc-backend -jwt myapiuser

Use issued token token on client side

curl -X GET "<API ENDPOINT>" -H "accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -H "Authorization: Bearer <JWT TOKEN>"

This token can be used for the cc-backend REST API as well as for the cc-metric-store. If you use the token for cc-metric-store you have to configure it to use the corresponding public key for validation in its config.json.

Of course the JWT token can be generated also by other means as long it is signed with a ED25519 private key and the corresponding public key is configured in cc-backend or cc-metric-store. For the claims that are set and used by ClusterCockpit refer to the JWT article.


The cc-metric-store also uses JWTs for authentication. As it does not issue new tokens, it does not need to kown the private key. The public key of the keypair that is used to generate the JWTs that grant access to the cc-metric-store can be specified in its config.json. When configuring the metricDataRepository object in the cluster.json file of the job-archive, you can put a token issued by cc-backend itself.

10 - How to prepare a new release

Steps to prepare releases with goreleaser

Steps to prepare a release

  1. On hotfix branch:

    • Update ReleaseNotes.md
    • Update version in Makefile
    • Commit, push, and pull request
    • Merge in master
  2. On Linux host:

    • Pull master
    • Ensure that GitHub Token environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN is set
    • Create release tag: git tag v1.1.0 -m release
    • Execute goreleaser release

11 - How to regenerate the Swagger UI documentation


This project integrates swagger ui to document and test its REST API. The swagger documentation files can be found in ./api/.

Generate Swagger UI files

You can generate the swagger-ui configuration by running the following command from the cc-backend root directory:

go run github.com/swaggo/swag/cmd/swag init -d ./internal/api,./pkg/schema -g rest.go -o ./api

You need to move one generated file:

mv ./api/docs.go ./internal/api/docs.go

Finally rebuild cc-backend:


Use the Swagger UI web interface

If you start cc-backend with the -dev flag, the Swagger web interface is available at http://localhost:8080/swagger/. To use the Try Out functionality, e.g. to test the REST API, you must enter a JWT key for a user with the API role.

12 - How to setup a systemd service

Run ClusterCockpit components as systemd services

How to run as a systemd service.

The files in this directory assume that you install ClusterCockpit to /opt/monitoring/cc-backend. Of course you can choose any other location, but make sure you replace all paths starting with /opt/monitoring/cc-backend in the clustercockpit.service file!

The config.json may contain the optional fields user and group. If specified, the application will call setuid and setgid after reading the config file and binding to a TCP port (so it can take a privileged port), but before it starts accepting any connections. This is good for security, but also means that the var/ directory must be readable and writeable by this user. The .env and config.json files may contain secrets and should not be readable by this user. If these files are changed, the server must be restarted.

  1. Clone this repository somewhere in your home
git clone git@github.com:ClusterCockpit/cc-backend.git
  1. (Optional) Install dependencies and build. In general it is recommended to use the provided release binaries.
cd cc-backend && make

Copy the binary to the target folder (adapt if necessary):

sudo mkdir -p /opt/monitoring/cc-backend/
cp ./cc-backend /opt/monitoring/cc-backend/
  1. Modify the config.json and env-template.txt file from the configs directory to your liking and put it in the target directory
cp ./configs/config.json /opt/monitoring/config.json && cp ./configs/env-template.txt /opt/monitoring/.env
vim /opt/monitoring/config.json # do your thing...
vim /opt/monitoring/.env # do your thing...
  1. (Optional) Customization: Add your versions of the login view, legal texts, and logo image. You may use the templates in ./web/templates as blueprint. Every overwrite is separate.
cp login.tmpl /opt/monitoring/cc-backend/var/
cp imprint.tmpl /opt/monitoring/cc-backend/var/
cp privacy.tmpl /opt/monitoring/cc-backend/var/
# Ensure your logo, and any images you use in your login template has a suitable size.
cp -R img /opt/monitoring/cc-backend/img
  1. Copy the systemd service unit file. You may adopt it to your needs.
sudo cp ./init/clustercockpit.service /etc/systemd/system/clustercockpit.service
  1. Enable and start the server
sudo systemctl enable clustercockpit.service # optional (if done, (re-)starts automatically)
sudo systemctl start clustercockpit.service

Check whats going on:

sudo systemctl status clustercockpit.service
sudo journalctl -u clustercockpit.service

13 - How to use the Swagger UI documentation


This project integrates swagger ui to document and test its REST API. ./api/.

Access the Swagger UI web interface

If you start cc-backend with the -dev flag, the Swagger web interface is available at http://localhost:8080/swagger/. To use the Try Out functionality, e.g. to test the REST API, you must enter a JWT key for a user with the API role.

14 - Unit tests

How to do software testing


We use the standard golang testing environment.

The following conventions are used:

  • White box unit tests: Tests for internal functionality are placed in files
  • Black box unit tests: Tests for public interfaces are placed in files with <package name>_test.go and belong to the package <package_name>_test. There only exists one package test file per package.
  • Integration tests: Tests that use multiple componenents are placed in a package test file. These are named <package name>_test.go and belong to the package <package_name>_test.
  • Test assets: Any required files are placed in a directory ./testdata within each package directory.

Executing tests

Visual Studio Code has a very good golang test integration. For debugging a test this is the recommended solution.

The Makefile provided by us has a test target that executes:

> go clean -testcache
> go build ./...
> go vet ./...
> go test ./...

Of course the commands can also be used on the command line. For details about golang testing refer to the standard documentation: