
Toplevel Searchbar Functionality
ClusterCockpit Searchbar

ClusterCockpit Searchbar

The top searchbar will handle page wide searches either by entering a searchterm directly as <query>, or by using a “keyword” implemented in the form of <keyword>:<query>. Entering a searchterm directly will start a hierarchical search which will return the first match in the hierarchy (see table below). It is recommended to supply the search with a keyword to specify the searched entity. For example, jobName:myJobName will specifically search for all jobs which have the queried string (or a part thereof) in their metadata jobName field. For all keywords with examples, see the table below.

Both keywords and queries are trimmed of all spaces before performing the search, returning the same results independently of location and number of spaces, e.g. name : Paul and name: paul are both handled identically.

Unprocessable queries will return a message detailing the cause of the error.

Available Keywords

KeywordExample QueryDestinationNote
No Keyword Usedabcd100Joblist or User JoblistPerforms hierarchical search jobId -> username -> name -> projectId -> jobName
JobIdjobId:123456JoblistAllows multiple identical matches, e.g. JobIds from different clusters
JobNamejobName:myJobNameJoblistWorks with partial queries. Allows multiple identical matches, e.g. JobNames from different clusters. An additional Last 30 Days filter is active by default.
ProjectIdprojectId:abcd100JoblistAll Jobs of the given project
Usernameusername:abcd100aUsers TableOnly active users are returned. Users without jobs are not shown. An additional Last 30 Days filter is active by default. Admin Only
Namename:PaulUsers TableWorks with partial queries. Only active users are returned. Users without jobs are not shown. An additional Last 30 Days filter is active by default. Admin Only
ArrayJobIdarrayJobId:891011JoblistAll Jobs of the given arrayJobId. An additional Last 30 Days filter is active by default.