Metric Store REST API

ClusterCockpit Metric Store RESTful API Endpoint description


JWT tokens

cc-metric-store supports only JWT tokens using the EdDSA/Ed25519 signing method. The token is provided using the Authorization Bearer header.

Example script to test the endpoint:

#Only use JWT token if the JWT authentication has been setup

curl -X 'GET' 'http://localhost:8081/api/query/' -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT" -d "{ \"cluster\": \"alex\", \"from\": 1720879275, \"to\": 1720964715, \"queries\": [{\"metric\": \"cpu_load\",\"host\": \"a0124\"}] }"



Usage of Swagger UI

This Swagger UI is also available as part of cc-metric-store if you start it with the dev option:

./cc-metric-store -dev

You may access it at this URL.

Payload format for write endpoint

The data comes in Influx DB line protocol format.

<metric>,cluster=<cluster>,hostname=<hostname>,type=<node/hwthread/etc> value=<value> <epoch_time_in_ns_or_s>

Real example:

proc_run,cluster=fritz,hostname=f2163,type=node value=4i 1725620476214474893

A more detailed description of the ClusterCockpit flavored Influx DB line protocol and their types can be found here in CC specification.

Example script to test endpoint:

#Only use JWT token if the JWT authentication has been setup

curl -X 'GET' 'http://localhost:8081/api/write/?cluster=alex' -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT" -d "proc_run,cluster=fritz,hostname=f2163,type=node value=4i 1725620476214474893"

Usage of Swagger UI

This Swagger UI is also available as part of cc-metric-store if you start it with the dev option:

./cc-metric-store -dev

You may access it at this URL.

Swagger API Reference