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cc-metric-collector's sinks

Documentation of cc-metric-collector’s sinks

CCMetric sinks

This folder contains the SinkManager and sink implementations for the cc-metric-collector.

Available sinks:


The configuration file for the sinks is a list of configurations. The type field in each specifies which sink to initialize.

  "mystdout" : {
    "type" : "stdout",
    "meta_as_tags" : [
  "metricstore" : {
    "type" : "http",
    "host" : "localhost",
    "port" : "4123",
    "database" : "ccmetric",
    "password" : "<jwt token>"

Contributing own sinks

A sink contains five functions and is derived from the type sink:

  • Init(name string, config json.RawMessage) error
  • Write(point CCMetric) error
  • Flush() error
  • Close()
  • New<Typename>(name string, config json.RawMessage) (Sink, error) (calls the Init() function)

The data structures should be set up in Init() like opening a file or server connection. The Write() function writes/sends the data. For non-blocking sinks, the Flush() method tells the sink to drain its internal buffers. The Close() function should tear down anything created in Init().

Finally, the sink needs to be registered in the sinkManager.go. There is a list of sinks called AvailableSinks which is a map (sink_type_string -> pointer to sink interface). Add a new entry with a descriptive name and the new sink.

Sample sink

package sinks

import (
	lp ""

type SampleSinkConfig struct {
	defaultSinkConfig  // defines JSON tags for 'name' and 'meta_as_tags'

type SampleSink struct {
	sink              // declarate 'name' and 'meta_as_tags'
	config StdoutSinkConfig // entry point to the SampleSinkConfig

// Initialize the sink by giving it a name and reading in the config JSON
func (s *SampleSink) Init(name string, config json.RawMessage) error { = fmt.Sprintf("SampleSink(%s)", name)   // Always specify a name here
  // Read in the config JSON
	if len(config) > 0 {
		err := json.Unmarshal(config, &s.config)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	return nil

// Code to submit a single CCMetric to the sink
func (s *SampleSink) Write(point lp.CCMetric) error {
	return nil

// If the sink uses batched sends internally, you can tell to flush its buffers
func (s *SampleSink) Flush() error {
	return nil

// Close sink: close network connection, close files, close libraries, ...
func (s *SampleSink) Close() {}

// New function to create a new instance of the sink
func NewSampleSink(name string, config json.RawMessage) (Sink, error) {
	s := new(SampleSink)
	err := s.Init(name, config)
	return s, err

1 - ganglia sink

Toplevel gangliaSink

ganglia sink

The ganglia sink uses the gmetric tool of the Ganglia Monitoring System to submit the metrics

Configuration structure

  "<name>": {
    "type": "ganglia",
    "gmetric_path" : "/path/to/gmetric",
    "add_ganglia_group" : true,
    "process_messages" : {
      "see" : "docs of message processor for valid fields"
    "meta_as_tags" : []
  • type: makes the sink an ganglia sink
  • gmetric_path: Path to gmetric executable (optional). If not given, the sink searches in $PATH for gmetric.
  • add_ganglia_group: Add --group=X based on meta information to the gmetric call. Some old versions of gmetric do not support the --group option.
  • process_messages: Process messages with given rules before progressing or dropping, see here (optional)
  • meta_as_tags: print all meta information as tags in the output (deprecated, optional)

2 - http sink

Toplevel httpSink

http sink

The http sink uses POST requests to a HTTP server to submit the metrics in the InfluxDB line-protocol format. It uses JSON web tokens for authentification. The sink creates batches of metrics before sending, to reduce the HTTP traffic.

Configuration structure

  "<name>": {
    "type": "http",
    "url" : "",
    "jwt" : "blabla.blabla.blabla",
    "username": "myUser",
    "password": "myPW",
    "timeout": "5s",
    "idle_connection_timeout" : "5s",
    "flush_delay": "2s",
    "batch_size": 1000,
    "precision": "s",
    "process_messages" : {
      "see" : "docs of message processor for valid fields"
    "meta_as_tags" : []
  • type: makes the sink an http sink
  • url: The full URL of the endpoint
  • jwt: JSON web tokens for authentication (Using the Bearer scheme)
  • username: username for basic authentication
  • password: password for basic authentication
  • timeout: General timeout for the HTTP client (default ‘5s’)
  • max_retries: Maximum number of retries to connect to the http server
  • idle_connection_timeout: Timeout for idle connections (default ‘120s’). Should be larger than the measurement interval to keep the connection open
  • flush_delay: Batch all writes arriving in during this duration (default ‘1s’, batching can be disabled by setting it to 0)
  • batch_size: Maximal batch size. If batch_size is reached before the end of flush_delay, the metrics are sent without further delay
  • precision: Precision of the timestamp. Valid values are ’s’, ‘ms’, ‘us’ and ’ns’. (default is ’s’)
  • process_messages: Process messages with given rules before progressing or dropping, see here (optional)
  • meta_as_tags: print all meta information as tags in the output (deprecated, optional)

Using http sink for communication with cc-metric-store

The cc-metric-store only accepts metrics with a timestamp precision in seconds, so it is required to use "precision": "s".

3 - influxasync sink

Toplevel influxAsyncSink

influxasync sink

The influxasync sink uses the official InfluxDB golang client to write the metrics to an InfluxDB database in a non-blocking fashion. It provides only support for V2 write endpoints (InfluxDB 1.8.0 or later).

Configuration structure

  "<name>": {
    "type": "influxasync",
    "database" : "mymetrics",
    "host": "",
    "port": "4222",
    "user": "exampleuser",
    "password" : "examplepw",
    "organization": "myorg",
    "ssl": true,
    "batch_size": 200,
    "retry_interval" : "1s",
    "retry_exponential_base" : 2,
    "precision": "s",
    "max_retries": 20,
    "max_retry_time" : "168h",
    "process_messages" : {
      "see" : "docs of message processor for valid fields"
    "meta_as_tags" : []
  • type: makes the sink an influxdb sink
  • database: All metrics are written to this bucket
  • host: Hostname of the InfluxDB database server
  • port: Portnumber (as string) of the InfluxDB database server
  • user: Username for basic authentification
  • password: Password for basic authentification
  • organization: Organization in the InfluxDB
  • ssl: Use SSL connection
  • batch_size: batch up metrics internally, default 100
  • retry_interval: Base retry interval for failed write requests, default 1s
  • retry_exponential_base: The retry interval is exponentially increased with this base, default 2
  • max_retries: Maximal number of retry attempts
  • max_retry_time: Maximal time to retry failed writes, default 168h (one week)
  • precision: Precision of the timestamp. Valid values are ’s’, ‘ms’, ‘us’ and ’ns’. (default is ’s’)
  • process_messages: Process messages with given rules before progressing or dropping, see here (optional)
  • meta_as_tags: print all meta information as tags in the output (deprecated, optional)

For information about the calculation of the retry interval settings, see offical influxdb-client-go documentation

Using influxasync sink for communication with cc-metric-store

The cc-metric-store only accepts metrics with a timestamp precision in seconds, so it is required to use "precision": "s".

4 - influxdb sink

Toplevel influxSink

influxdb sink

The influxdb sink uses the official InfluxDB golang client to write the metrics to an InfluxDB database in a blocking fashion. It provides only support for V2 write endpoints (InfluxDB 1.8.0 or later).

Configuration structure

  "<name>": {
    "type": "influxdb",
    "database" : "mymetrics",
    "host": "",
    "port": "4222",
    "user": "exampleuser",
    "password" : "examplepw",
    "organization": "myorg",
    "ssl": true,
    "flush_delay" : "1s",
    "batch_size" : 1000,
    "use_gzip": true,
    "precision": "s",
    "process_messages" : {
      "see" : "docs of message processor for valid fields"
    "meta_as_tags" : []
  • type: makes the sink an influxdb sink
  • database: All metrics are written to this bucket
  • host: Hostname of the InfluxDB database server
  • port: Port number (as string) of the InfluxDB database server
  • user: Username for basic authentication
  • password: Password for basic authentication
  • organization: Organization in the InfluxDB
  • ssl: Use SSL connection
  • flush_delay: Group metrics coming in to a single batch
  • batch_size: Maximal batch size. If batch_size is reached before the end of flush_delay, the metrics are sent without further delay
  • precision: Precision of the timestamp. Valid values are ’s’, ‘ms’, ‘us’ and ’ns’. (default is ’s’)
  • process_messages: Process messages with given rules before progressing or dropping, see here (optional)
  • meta_as_tags: print all meta information as tags in the output (deprecated, optional)

Influx client options:

  • batch_size: Maximal batch size
  • meta_as_tags: move meta information keys to tags (optional)
  • http_request_timeout: HTTP request timeout
  • retry_interval: retry interval
  • max_retry_interval: maximum delay between each retry attempt
  • retry_exponential_base: base for the exponential retry delay
  • max_retries: maximum count of retry attempts of failed writes
  • max_retry_time: maximum total retry timeout
  • use_gzip: Specify whether to use GZip compression in write requests

Using influxdb sink for communication with cc-metric-store

The cc-metric-store only accepts metrics with a timestamp precision in seconds, so it is required to use "precision": "s".

5 - libganglia sink

Toplevel libgangliaSink

libganglia sink

The libganglia sink interacts directly with the library of the Ganglia Monitoring System to submit the metrics. Consequently, it needs to be installed on all nodes. But this is commonly the case if you want to use Ganglia, because it requires at least a node daemon (gmond or ganglia-monitor) to work.

The libganglia sink has probably less overhead compared to the ganglia sink because it does not require any process generation but initializes the environment and UDP connections only once.

Configuration structure

  "<name>": {
    "type": "libganglia",
    "gmetric_config" : "/path/to/gmetric/config",
    "cluster_name": "MyCluster",
    "add_ganglia_group" : true,
    "add_type_to_name": true,
    "add_units" : true,
    "process_messages" : {
      "see" : "docs of message processor for valid fields"
    "meta_as_tags" : []
  • type: makes the sink an libganglia sink
  • gmond_config: Path to the Ganglia configuration file gmond.conf (default: /etc/ganglia/gmond.conf)
  • cluster_name: Set a cluster name for the metric. If not set, it is taken from gmond_config
  • add_ganglia_group: Add a Ganglia metric group based on meta information. Some old versions of gmetric do not support the --group option
  • add_type_to_name: Ganglia commonly uses only node-level metrics but with cc-metric-collector, there are metrics for cpus, memory domains, CPU sockets and the whole node. In order to get eeng, this option prefixes the metric name with <type><type-id>_ or device_ depending on the metric tags and meta information. For metrics of the whole node type=node, no prefix is added
  • add_units: Add metric value unit if there is a unit entry in the metric tags or meta information
  • process_messages: Process messages with given rules before progressing or dropping, see here (optional)
  • meta_as_tags: print all meta information as tags in the output (deprecated, optional)

Ganglia Installation

My development system is Ubuntu 20.04. To install the required libraries with apt:

$ sudo apt install libganglia1

The gets installed in /usr/lib. The Ganglia headers libganglia1-dev are not required.

I added a Makefile in the sinks subfolder that searches for the library in /usr and creates a symlink (sinks/ for running/building the cc-metric-collector. So just type make before running/building in the main folder or the sinks subfolder.

6 - nats sink

Toplevel natsSink

nats sink

The nats sink publishes all metrics into a NATS network. The publishing key is the database name provided in the configuration file

Configuration structure

  "<name>": {
    "type": "nats",
    "database" : "mymetrics",
    "host": "",
    "port": "4222",
    "user": "exampleuser",
    "password" : "examplepw",
    "nkey_file": "/path/to/nkey_file",
    "flush_delay": "10s",
    "precision": "s",
    "process_messages" : {
      "see" : "docs of message processor for valid fields"
    "meta_as_tags" : []
  • type: makes the sink an nats sink
  • database: All metrics are published with this subject
  • host: Hostname of the NATS server
  • port: Port number (as string) of the NATS server
  • user: Username for basic authentication
  • password: Password for basic authentication
  • nkey_file: Path to credentials file with NKEY
  • flush_delay: Maximum time until metrics are sent out (default ‘5s’)
  • precision: Precision of the timestamp. Valid values are ’s’, ‘ms’, ‘us’ and ’ns’. (default is ’s’)
  • process_messages: Process messages with given rules before progressing or dropping, see here (optional)
  • meta_as_tags: print all meta information as tags in the output (deprecated, optional)

Using nats sink for communication with cc-metric-store

The cc-metric-store only accepts metrics with a timestamp precision in seconds, so it is required to use "precision": "s".

7 - prometheus sink

Toplevel prometheusSink

prometheus sink

The prometheus sink publishes all metrics via an HTTP server ready to be scraped by a Prometheus server. It creates gauge metrics for all node metrics and gauge vectors for all metrics with a subtype like ‘device’, ‘cpu’ or ‘socket’.

Configuration structure

  "<name>": {
    "type": "prometheus",
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": "8080",
    "path": "metrics",
    "process_messages" : {
      "see" : "docs of message processor for valid fields"
    "meta_as_tags" : []
  • type: makes the sink an prometheus sink
  • host: The HTTP server gets bound to that IP/hostname
  • port: Portnumber (as string) for the HTTP server
  • path: Path where the metrics should be servered. The metrics will be published at host:port/path
  • group_as_namespace: Most metrics contain a group as meta information like ‘memory’, ’load’. With this the metric names are extended to group_name if possible.
  • process_messages: Process messages with given rules before progressing or dropping, see here (optional)
  • meta_as_tags: print all meta information as tags in the output (deprecated, optional)

8 - stdout sink

Toplevel stdoutSink

stdout sink

The stdout sink is the most simple sink provided by cc-metric-collector. It writes all metrics in InfluxDB line-procol format to the configurable output file or the common special files stdout and stderr.

Configuration structure

  "<name>": {
    "type": "stdout",
    "meta_as_tags" : [],
    "output_file" : "mylogfile.log",
    "process_messages" : {
      "see" : "docs of message processor for valid fields"
    "meta_as_tags" : []
  • type: makes the sink an stdout sink
  • meta_as_tags: print meta information as tags in the output (optional)
  • output_file: Write all data to the selected file (optional). There are two ‘special’ files: stdout and stderr. If this option is not provided, the default value is stdout
  • process_messages: Process messages with given rules before progressing or dropping, see here (optional)
  • meta_as_tags: print all meta information as tags in the output (deprecated, optional)