cc-metric-collector's sinks

Documentation of cc-metric-collector’s sinks

CCMetric sinks

This folder contains the SinkManager and sink implementations for the cc-metric-collector.

Available sinks:


The configuration file for the sinks is a list of configurations. The type field in each specifies which sink to initialize.

  "mystdout" : {
    "type" : "stdout",
    "meta_as_tags" : [
  "metricstore" : {
    "type" : "http",
    "host" : "localhost",
    "port" : "4123",
    "database" : "ccmetric",
    "password" : "<jwt token>"

Contributing own sinks

A sink contains five functions and is derived from the type sink:

  • Init(name string, config json.RawMessage) error
  • Write(point CCMetric) error
  • Flush() error
  • Close()
  • New<Typename>(name string, config json.RawMessage) (Sink, error) (calls the Init() function)

The data structures should be set up in Init() like opening a file or server connection. The Write() function writes/sends the data. For non-blocking sinks, the Flush() method tells the sink to drain its internal buffers. The Close() function should tear down anything created in Init().

Finally, the sink needs to be registered in the sinkManager.go. There is a list of sinks called AvailableSinks which is a map (sink_type_string -> pointer to sink interface). Add a new entry with a descriptive name and the new sink.

Sample sink

package sinks

import (
	lp ""

type SampleSinkConfig struct {
	defaultSinkConfig  // defines JSON tags for 'name' and 'meta_as_tags'

type SampleSink struct {
	sink              // declarate 'name' and 'meta_as_tags'
	config StdoutSinkConfig // entry point to the SampleSinkConfig

// Initialize the sink by giving it a name and reading in the config JSON
func (s *SampleSink) Init(name string, config json.RawMessage) error { = fmt.Sprintf("SampleSink(%s)", name)   // Always specify a name here
  // Read in the config JSON
	if len(config) > 0 {
		err := json.Unmarshal(config, &s.config)
		if err != nil {
			return err
	return nil

// Code to submit a single CCMetric to the sink
func (s *SampleSink) Write(point lp.CCMetric) error {
	return nil

// If the sink uses batched sends internally, you can tell to flush its buffers
func (s *SampleSink) Flush() error {
	return nil

// Close sink: close network connection, close files, close libraries, ...
func (s *SampleSink) Close() {}

// New function to create a new instance of the sink
func NewSampleSink(name string, config json.RawMessage) (Sink, error) {
	s := new(SampleSink)
	err := s.Init(name, config)
	return s, err

ganglia sink

Toplevel gangliaSink

http sink

Toplevel httpSink

influxasync sink

Toplevel influxAsyncSink

influxdb sink

Toplevel influxSink

libganglia sink

Toplevel libgangliaSink

nats sink

Toplevel natsSink

prometheus sink

Toplevel prometheusSink

stdout sink

Toplevel stdoutSink