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cc-metric-collector's receivers

Documentation of cc-metric-collector’s receivers

CCMetric receivers

This folder contains the ReceiveManager and receiver implementations for the cc-metric-collector.


The configuration file for the receivers is a list of configurations. The type field in each specifies which receiver to initialize.

  "myreceivername" : {
    "type": "receiver-type",
    <receiver-specific configuration>

This allows to specify

Available receivers

  • nats: Receive metrics from the NATS network
  • prometheus: Scrape data from a Prometheus client
  • http: Listen for HTTP Post requests transporting metrics in InfluxDB line protocol
  • ipmi: Read IPMI sensor readings
  • redfish Use the Redfish (specification) to query thermal and power metrics

Contributing own receivers

A receiver contains a few functions and is derived from the type Receiver (in metricReceiver.go):

For an example, check the sample receiver

1 - http receiver

Toplevel httpReceiver

http receiver

The http receiver can be used receive metrics through HTTP POST requests.

Configuration structure

  "<name>": {
    "type": "http",
    "address" : "",
    "port" : "8080",
    "path" : "/write",
    "idle_timeout": "120s",
    "username": "myUser",
    "password": "myPW"
  • type: makes the receiver a http receiver
  • address: Listen address
  • port: Listen port
  • path: URL path for the write endpoint
  • idle_timeout: Maximum amount of time to wait for the next request when keep-alives are enabled should be larger than the measurement interval to keep the connection open
  • keep_alives_enabled: Controls whether HTTP keep-alives are enabled. By default, keep-alives are enabled.
  • username: username for basic authentication
  • password: password for basic authentication

The HTTP endpoint listens to http://<address>:<port>/<path>


  • Install curl

  • Use curl to send message to http receiver

    curl http://localhost:8080/write \
    --user "myUser:myPW" \
    --data \
    "myMetric,hostname=myHost,type=hwthread,type-id=0,unit=Hz value=400000i 1694777161164284635
    myMetric,hostname=myHost,type=hwthread,type-id=1,unit=Hz value=400001i 1694777161164284635"

2 - IPMI Receiver

Toplevel ipmiReceiver

IPMI Receiver

The IPMI Receiver uses ipmi-sensors from the FreeIPMI project to read IPMI sensor readings and sensor data repository (SDR) information. The available metrics depend on the sensors provided by the hardware vendor but typically contain temperature, fan speed, voltage and power metrics.

Configuration structure

    "<IPMI receiver name>": {
        "type": "ipmi",
        "interval": "30s",
        "fanout": 256,
        "username": "<Username>",
        "password": "<Password>",
        "endpoint": "ipmi-sensors://%h-bmc",
        "exclude_metrics": [ "fan_speed", "voltage" ],
        "client_config": [
                "host_list": "n[1,2-4]"
                "host_list": "n[5-6]",
                "driver_type": "LAN",
                "cli_options": [ "--workaround-flags=..." ],
                "password": "<Password 2>"

Global settings:

  • interval: How often the IPMI sensor metrics should be read and send to the sink (default: 30 s)

Global and per IPMI device settings (per IPMI device settings overwrite the global settings):

  • exclude_metrics: list of excluded metrics e.g. fan_speed, power, temperature, utilization, voltage
  • fanout: Maximum number of simultaneous IPMI connections (default: 64)
  • driver_type: Out of band IPMI driver (default: LAN_2_0)
  • username: User name to authenticate with
  • password: Password to use for authentication
  • endpoint: URL of the IPMI device (placeholder %h gets replaced by the hostname)

Per IPMI device settings:

  • host_list: List of hosts with the same client configuration
  • cli_options: Additional command line options for ipmi-sensors

3 - nats receiver

Toplevel natsReceiver

nats receiver

The nats receiver can be used receive metrics from the NATS network. The nats receiver subscribes to the topic database and listens on address and port for metrics in the InfluxDB line protocol.

Configuration structure

  "<name>": {
    "type": "nats",
    "address" : "",
    "port" : "4222",
    "subject" : "subject",
    "user": "natsuser",
    "password": "natssecret",
    "nkey_file": "/path/to/nkey_file"
  • type: makes the receiver a nats receiver
  • address: Address of the NATS control server
  • port: Port of the NATS control server
  • subject: Subscribes to this subject and receive metrics
  • user: Connect to nats using this user
  • password: Connect to nats using this password
  • nkey_file: Path to credentials file with NKEY


  • Install NATS server and command line client

  • Start NATS server

    nats-server --net --port 4222
  • Check NATS server works as expected

    nats server check
  • Use NATS command line client to subscribe to all messages

    nats sub ">"
  • Use NATS command line client to send message to NATS receiver

    nats pub subject \
    "myMetric,hostname=myHost,type=hwthread,type-id=0,unit=Hz value=400000i 1694777161164284635
    myMetric,hostname=myHost,type=hwthread,type-id=1,unit=Hz value=400001i 1694777161164284635"

4 - prometheus receiver

Toplevel prometheusReceiver

prometheus receiver

The prometheus receiver can be used to scrape the metrics of a single prometheus client. It does not use any official Golang library but making simple HTTP get requests and parse the response.

Configuration structure

  "<name>": {
    "type": "prometheus",
    "address" : "testpromhost",
    "port" : "12345",
    "path" : "/prometheus",
    "interval": "5s",
    "ssl" : true,
  • type: makes the receiver a prometheus receiver
  • address: Hostname or IP of the Prometheus agent
  • port: Port of Prometheus agent
  • path: Path to the Prometheus endpoint
  • interval: Scrape the Prometheus endpoint in this interval (default ‘5s’)
  • ssl: Use SSL or not

The receiver requests data from http(s)://<address>:<port>/<path>.

5 - Redfish receiver

Toplevel redfishReceiver

Redfish receiver

The Redfish receiver uses the Redfish (specification) to query thermal and power metrics. Thermal metrics may include various fan speeds and temperatures. Power metrics may include the current power consumption of various hardware components. It may also include the minimum, maximum and average power consumption of these components in a given time interval. The receiver will poll each configured redfish device once in a given interval. Multiple devices can be accessed in parallel to increase throughput.

Configuration structure

    "<redfish receiver name>": {
        "type": "redfish",
        "username": "<Username>",
        "password": "<Password>",
        "endpoint": "https://%h-bmc",
        "exclude_metrics": [ "min_consumed_watts" ],
        "client_config": [
                "host_list": "n[1,2-4]"
                "host_list": "n5",
                "disable_power_metrics": true,
                "disable_processor_metrics": true,
                "disable_thermal_metrics": true
                "host_list": "n6" ],
                "username": "<Username 2>",
                "password": "<Password 2>",
                "endpoint": "https://%h-BMC",
                "disable_sensor_metrics": true

Global settings:

  • fanout: Maximum number of simultaneous redfish connections (default: 64)
  • interval: How often the redfish power metrics should be read and send to the sink (default: 30 s)
  • http_insecure: Control whether a client verifies the server’s certificate (default: true == do not verify server’s certificate)
  • http_timeout: Time limit for requests made by this HTTP client (default: 10 s)

Global and per redfish device settings (per redfish device settings overwrite the global settings):

  • disable_power_metrics: disable collection of power metrics (/redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/Power)
  • disable_processor_metrics: disable collection of processor metrics (/redfish/v1/Systems/{ComputerSystemId}/Processors/{ProcessorId}/ProcessorMetrics)
  • disable_sensors: disable collection of fan, power and thermal sensor metrics (/redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/Sensors/{SensorId})
  • disable_thermal_metrics: disable collection of thermal metrics (/redfish/v1/Chassis/{ChassisId}/Thermal)
  • exclude_metrics: list of excluded metrics
  • username: User name to authenticate with
  • password: Password to use for authentication
  • endpoint: URL of the redfish service (placeholder %h gets replaced by the hostname)

Per redfish device settings:

  • host_list: List of hosts with the same client configuration