Storage backend for Postgres

Toplevel postgresStorage

Storage backend for Postgres


    "type" : "postgres",
    "server": "",
    "port": 5432,
    "database_path" : "database_name",
    "flags" : [
    "username" : "myuser",
    "password" : "mypass",
    "connection_timeout" : 1

  • type: Has to be postgres
  • server: IP or name of server (default localhost)
  • port: Port number of server (default 5432)
  • database_path: The backed connects to this database
  • flags: Flags when opening Postgres. For things like connect settings (sslmode=verify-full)
  • username: If given, the database is opened with the given username
  • password: If given and username is also given, use it to open the database
  • connection_timeout: Timeout for connection in seconds (default 1)


The Postgres backend stores CCEvents and CCLog messages in distict tables named <cluster>_events and <cluster>_logs respecively. It does not make use of distinct tables to hold specific and returning parts of CCEvents and CCLog messages (namely hostname tag, type tag and typeid tag). The timestamps of the messages are stored as UNIX timestamps with precision in seconds.