ClusterCockpit Schema References
ClusterCockpit Schema References for
- Application Configuration
- Cluster Configuration
- Job Data
- Job Statistics
- Units
- Job Archive Job Metadata
- Job Archive Job Metricdata
The schemas in their raw form can be found in the ClusterCockpit GitHub repository.
Manual Updates
Changes to the original JSON schemas found in the repository are not automatically rendered in this reference documentation.The raw JSON schemas are parsed and rendered for better readability using the
json-schema-for-humans utility.
Last Update: 04.12.2024
1 - Application Config Schema
ClusterCockpit Application Config Schema Reference
A detailed description of each of the application configuration options can be found in the config documentation.
The following schema in its raw form can be found in the ClusterCockpit GitHub repository.
Manual Updates
Changes to the original JSON schema found in the repository are not automatically rendered in this reference documentation.Last Update: 04.12.2024cc-backend configuration file schema
Title: cc-backend configuration file schema
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
- addr | No | string | No | - | Address where the http (or https) server will listen on (for example: ’localhost:80’). |
- apiAllowedIPs | No | array of string | No | - | Addresses from which secured API endpoints can be reached |
- user | No | string | No | - | Drop root permissions once .env was read and the port was taken. Only applicable if using privileged port. |
- group | No | string | No | - | Drop root permissions once .env was read and the port was taken. Only applicable if using privileged port. |
- disable-authentication | No | boolean | No | - | Disable authentication (for everything: API, Web-UI, …). |
- embed-static-files | No | boolean | No | - | If all files in `web/frontend/public` should be served from within the binary itself (they are embedded) or not. |
- static-files | No | string | No | - | Folder where static assets can be found, if embed-static-files is false. |
- db-driver | No | enum (of string) | No | - | sqlite3 or mysql (mysql will work for mariadb as well). |
- db | No | string | No | - | For sqlite3 a filename, for mysql a DSN in this format: (Without query parameters!). |
- archive | No | object | No | - | Configuration keys for job-archive |
- disable-archive | No | boolean | No | - | Keep all metric data in the metric data repositories, do not write to the job-archive. |
- validate | No | boolean | No | - | Validate all input json documents against json schema. |
- session-max-age | No | string | No | - | Specifies for how long a session shall be valid as a string parsable by time.ParseDuration(). If 0 or empty, the session/token does not expire! |
- https-cert-file | No | string | No | - | Filepath to SSL certificate. If also https-key-file is set use HTTPS using those certificates. |
- https-key-file | No | string | No | - | Filepath to SSL key file. If also https-cert-file is set use HTTPS using those certificates. |
- redirect-http-to | No | string | No | - | If not the empty string and addr does not end in :80, redirect every request incoming at port 80 to that url. |
- stop-jobs-exceeding-walltime | No | integer | No | - | If not zero, automatically mark jobs as stopped running X seconds longer than their walltime. Only applies if walltime is set for job. |
- short-running-jobs-duration | No | integer | No | - | Do not show running jobs shorter than X seconds. |
- emission-constant | No | integer | No | - | . |
- cron-frequency | No | object | No | - | Frequency of cron job workers. |
- enable-resampling | No | object | No | - | Enable dynamic zoom in frontend metric plots. |
+ jwts | No | object | No | - | For JWT token authentication. |
- oidc | No | object | No | - | - |
- ldap | No | object | No | - | For LDAP Authentication and user synchronisation. |
+ clusters | No | array of object | No | - | Configuration for the clusters to be displayed. |
- ui-defaults | No | object | No | - | Default configuration for web UI |
1. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > addr
Description: Address where the http (or https) server will listen on (for example: ’localhost:80’).
2. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > apiAllowedIPs
| |
Type | array of string |
Required | No |
Description: Addresses from which secured API endpoints can be reached
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
2.1. cc-backend configuration file schema > apiAllowedIPs > apiAllowedIPs items
3. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > user
Description: Drop root permissions once .env was read and the port was taken. Only applicable if using privileged port.
4. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > group
Description: Drop root permissions once .env was read and the port was taken. Only applicable if using privileged port.
5. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > disable-authentication
Description: Disable authentication (for everything: API, Web-UI, …).
6. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > embed-static-files
Description: If all files in web/frontend/public
should be served from within the binary itself (they are embedded) or not.
7. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > static-files
Description: Folder where static assets can be found, if embed-static-files is false.
8. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > db-driver
| |
Type | enum (of string) |
Required | No |
Description: sqlite3 or mysql (mysql will work for mariadb as well).
Must be one of:
9. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > db
Description: For sqlite3 a filename, for mysql a DSN in this format: (Without query parameters!).
10. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > archive
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Configuration keys for job-archive
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ kind | No | enum (of string) | No | - | Backend type for job-archive |
- path | No | string | No | - | Path to job archive for file backend |
- compression | No | integer | No | - | Setup automatic compression for jobs older than number of days |
- retention | No | object | No | - | Configuration keys for retention |
10.1. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > archive > kind
| |
Type | enum (of string) |
Required | Yes |
Description: Backend type for job-archive
Must be one of:
10.2. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > archive > path
Description: Path to job archive for file backend
10.3. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > archive > compression
Description: Setup automatic compression for jobs older than number of days
10.4. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > archive > retention
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Configuration keys for retention
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ policy | No | enum (of string) | No | - | Retention policy |
- includeDB | No | boolean | No | - | Also remove jobs from database |
- age | No | integer | No | - | Act on jobs with startTime older than age (in days) |
- location | No | string | No | - | The target directory for retention. Only applicable for retention move. |
10.4.1. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > archive > retention > policy
| |
Type | enum (of string) |
Required | Yes |
Description: Retention policy
Must be one of:
10.4.2. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > archive > retention > includeDB
Description: Also remove jobs from database
10.4.3. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > archive > retention > age
Description: Act on jobs with startTime older than age (in days)
10.4.4. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > archive > retention > location
Description: The target directory for retention. Only applicable for retention move.
11. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > disable-archive
Description: Keep all metric data in the metric data repositories, do not write to the job-archive.
12. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > validate
Description: Validate all input json documents against json schema.
13. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > session-max-age
Description: Specifies for how long a session shall be valid as a string parsable by time.ParseDuration(). If 0 or empty, the session/token does not expire!
14. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > https-cert-file
Description: Filepath to SSL certificate. If also https-key-file is set use HTTPS using those certificates.
15. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > https-key-file
Description: Filepath to SSL key file. If also https-cert-file is set use HTTPS using those certificates.
16. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > redirect-http-to
Description: If not the empty string and addr does not end in :80, redirect every request incoming at port 80 to that url.
17. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > stop-jobs-exceeding-walltime
Description: If not zero, automatically mark jobs as stopped running X seconds longer than their walltime. Only applies if walltime is set for job.
18. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > short-running-jobs-duration
Description: Do not show running jobs shorter than X seconds.
19. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > emission-constant
Description: .
20. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > cron-frequency
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Frequency of cron job workers.
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
- duration-worker | No | string | No | - | Duration Update Worker [Defaults to ‘5m’] |
- footprint-worker | No | string | No | - | Metric-Footprint Update Worker [Defaults to ‘10m’] |
20.1. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > cron-frequency > duration-worker
Description: Duration Update Worker [Defaults to ‘5m’]
Description: Metric-Footprint Update Worker [Defaults to ‘10m’]
21. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > enable-resampling
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Enable dynamic zoom in frontend metric plots.
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ trigger | No | integer | No | - | Trigger next zoom level at less than this many visible datapoints. |
+ resolutions | No | array of integer | No | - | Array of resampling target resolutions, in seconds. |
21.1. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > enable-resampling > trigger
Description: Trigger next zoom level at less than this many visible datapoints.
21.2. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > enable-resampling > resolutions
| |
Type | array of integer |
Required | Yes |
Description: Array of resampling target resolutions, in seconds.
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
21.2.1. cc-backend configuration file schema > enable-resampling > resolutions > resolutions items
22. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > jwts
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: For JWT token authentication.
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ max-age | No | string | No | - | Configure how long a token is valid. As string parsable by time.ParseDuration() |
- cookieName | No | string | No | - | Cookie that should be checked for a JWT token. |
- validateUser | No | boolean | No | - | Deny login for users not in database (but defined in JWT). Overwrite roles in JWT with database roles. |
- trustedIssuer | No | string | No | - | Issuer that should be accepted when validating external JWTs |
- syncUserOnLogin | No | boolean | No | - | Add non-existent user to DB at login attempt with values provided in JWT. |
22.1. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > jwts > max-age
Description: Configure how long a token is valid. As string parsable by time.ParseDuration()
22.2. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > jwts > cookieName
Description: Cookie that should be checked for a JWT token.
22.3. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > jwts > validateUser
Description: Deny login for users not in database (but defined in JWT). Overwrite roles in JWT with database roles.
22.4. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > jwts > trustedIssuer
Description: Issuer that should be accepted when validating external JWTs
22.5. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > jwts > syncUserOnLogin
Description: Add non-existent user to DB at login attempt with values provided in JWT.
23. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > oidc
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
23.1. The following properties are required
24. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ldap
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: For LDAP Authentication and user synchronisation.
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ url | No | string | No | - | URL of LDAP directory server. |
+ user_base | No | string | No | - | Base DN of user tree root. |
+ search_dn | No | string | No | - | DN for authenticating LDAP admin account with general read rights. |
+ user_bind | No | string | No | - | Expression used to authenticate users via LDAP bind. Must contain uid={username}. |
+ user_filter | No | string | No | - | Filter to extract users for syncing. |
- username_attr | No | string | No | - | Attribute with full username. Default: gecos |
- sync_interval | No | string | No | - | Interval used for syncing local user table with LDAP directory. Parsed using time.ParseDuration. |
- sync_del_old_users | No | boolean | No | - | Delete obsolete users in database. |
- syncUserOnLogin | No | boolean | No | - | Add non-existent user to DB at login attempt if user exists in Ldap directory |
24.1. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ldap > url
Description: URL of LDAP directory server.
24.2. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ldap > user_base
Description: Base DN of user tree root.
24.3. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ldap > search_dn
Description: DN for authenticating LDAP admin account with general read rights.
24.4. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ldap > user_bind
Description: Expression used to authenticate users via LDAP bind. Must contain uid={username}.
24.5. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ldap > user_filter
Description: Filter to extract users for syncing.
24.6. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ldap > username_attr
Description: Attribute with full username. Default: gecos
24.7. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ldap > sync_interval
Description: Interval used for syncing local user table with LDAP directory. Parsed using time.ParseDuration.
24.8. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ldap > sync_del_old_users
Description: Delete obsolete users in database.
24.9. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ldap > syncUserOnLogin
Description: Add non-existent user to DB at login attempt if user exists in Ldap directory
25. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > clusters
| |
Type | array of object |
Required | Yes |
Description: Configuration for the clusters to be displayed.
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
25.1. cc-backend configuration file schema > clusters > clusters items
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ name | No | string | No | - | The name of the cluster. |
+ metricDataRepository | No | object | No | - | Type of the metric data repository for this cluster |
+ filterRanges | No | object | No | - | This option controls the slider ranges for the UI controls of numNodes, duration, and startTime. |
25.1.1. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > clusters > clusters items > name
Description: The name of the cluster.
25.1.2. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > clusters > clusters items > metricDataRepository
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Type of the metric data repository for this cluster
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ kind | No | enum (of string) | No | - | - |
+ url | No | string | No | - | - |
- token | No | string | No | - | - | Property cc-backend configuration file schema > clusters > clusters items > metricDataRepository > kind
| |
Type | enum (of string) |
Required | Yes |
Must be one of:
- “influxdb”
- “prometheus”
- “cc-metric-store”
- “test” Property cc-backend configuration file schema > clusters > clusters items > metricDataRepository > url Property cc-backend configuration file schema > clusters > clusters items > metricDataRepository > token
25.1.3. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > clusters > clusters items > filterRanges
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: This option controls the slider ranges for the UI controls of numNodes, duration, and startTime.
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ numNodes | No | object | No | - | UI slider range for number of nodes |
+ duration | No | object | No | - | UI slider range for duration |
+ startTime | No | object | No | - | UI slider range for start time | Property cc-backend configuration file schema > clusters > clusters items > filterRanges > numNodes
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: UI slider range for number of nodes
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ from | No | integer | No | - | - |
+ to | No | integer | No | - | - | Property cc-backend configuration file schema > clusters > clusters items > filterRanges > numNodes > from Property cc-backend configuration file schema > clusters > clusters items > filterRanges > numNodes > to Property cc-backend configuration file schema > clusters > clusters items > filterRanges > duration
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: UI slider range for duration
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ from | No | integer | No | - | - |
+ to | No | integer | No | - | - | Property cc-backend configuration file schema > clusters > clusters items > filterRanges > duration > from Property cc-backend configuration file schema > clusters > clusters items > filterRanges > duration > to Property cc-backend configuration file schema > clusters > clusters items > filterRanges > startTime
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: UI slider range for start time
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ from | No | string | No | - | - |
+ to | No | null | No | - | - | Property cc-backend configuration file schema > clusters > clusters items > filterRanges > startTime > from
| |
Type | string |
Required | Yes |
Format | date-time | Property cc-backend configuration file schema > clusters > clusters items > filterRanges > startTime > to
26. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Default configuration for web UI
26.1. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults > plot_general_colorBackground
Description: Color plot background according to job average threshold limits
26.2. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults > plot_general_lineWidth
Description: Initial linewidth
26.3. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults > plot_list_jobsPerPage
Description: Jobs shown per page in job lists
26.4. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults > plot_view_plotsPerRow
Description: Number of plots per row in single job view
26.5. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults > plot_view_showPolarplot
Description: Option to toggle polar plot in single job view
26.6. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults > plot_view_showRoofline
Description: Option to toggle roofline plot in single job view
26.7. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults > plot_view_showStatTable
Description: Option to toggle the node statistic table in single job view
26.8. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults > system_view_selectedMetric
Description: Initial metric shown in system view
Description: Option to toggle footprint ui in single job view
26.10. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults > job_list_usePaging
Description: Option to switch from continous scroll to paging
26.11. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults > analysis_view_histogramMetrics
| |
Type | array of string |
Required | Yes |
Description: Metrics to show as job count histograms in analysis view
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
26.11.1. cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults > analysis_view_histogramMetrics > analysis_view_histogramMetrics items
26.12. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults > analysis_view_scatterPlotMetrics
| |
Type | array of array |
Required | Yes |
Description: Initial scatter plto configuration in analysis view
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
26.12.1. cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults > analysis_view_scatterPlotMetrics > analysis_view_scatterPlotMetrics items
| |
Type | array of string |
Required | No |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | 1 |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below | cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults > analysis_view_scatterPlotMetrics > analysis_view_scatterPlotMetrics items > analysis_view_scatterPlotMetrics items items
26.13. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults > job_view_nodestats_selectedMetrics
| |
Type | array of string |
Required | Yes |
Description: Initial metrics shown in node statistics table of single job view
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
26.13.1. cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults > job_view_nodestats_selectedMetrics > job_view_nodestats_selectedMetrics items
26.14. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults > job_view_selectedMetrics
| |
Type | array of string |
Required | Yes |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
26.14.1. cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults > job_view_selectedMetrics > job_view_selectedMetrics items
26.15. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults > plot_general_colorscheme
| |
Type | array of string |
Required | Yes |
Description: Initial color scheme
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
26.15.1. cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults > plot_general_colorscheme > plot_general_colorscheme items
26.16. Property cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults > plot_list_selectedMetrics
| |
Type | array of string |
Required | Yes |
Description: Initial metric plots shown in jobs lists
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
26.16.1. cc-backend configuration file schema > ui-defaults > plot_list_selectedMetrics > plot_list_selectedMetrics items
Generated using json-schema-for-humans on 2024-12-04 at 16:45:59 +0100
2 - Cluster Schema
ClusterCockpit Cluster Schema Reference
The following schema in its raw form can be found in the ClusterCockpit GitHub repository.
Manual Updates
Changes to the original JSON schema found in the repository are not automatically rendered in this reference documentation.Last Update: 04.12.2024HPC cluster description
Title: HPC cluster description
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Meta data information of a HPC cluster
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ name | No | string | No | - | The unique identifier of a cluster |
+ metricConfig | No | array of object | No | - | Metric specifications |
+ subClusters | No | array of object | No | - | Array of cluster hardware partitions |
1. Property HPC cluster description > name
Description: The unique identifier of a cluster
2. Property HPC cluster description > metricConfig
| |
Type | array of object |
Required | Yes |
Description: Metric specifications
| Array restrictions |
Min items | 1 |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
2.1. HPC cluster description > metricConfig > metricConfig items
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ name | No | string | No | - | Metric name |
+ unit | No | object | No | In embedfs://unit.schema.json | Metric unit |
+ scope | No | string | No | - | Native measurement resolution |
+ timestep | No | integer | No | - | Frequency of timeseries points |
+ aggregation | No | enum (of string) | No | - | How the metric is aggregated |
- footprint | No | enum (of string) | No | - | Is it a footprint metric and what type |
- energy | No | enum (of string) | No | - | Is it used to calculate job energy |
- lowerIsBetter | No | boolean | No | - | Is lower better. |
+ peak | No | number | No | - | Metric peak threshold (Upper metric limit) |
+ normal | No | number | No | - | Metric normal threshold |
+ caution | No | number | No | - | Metric caution threshold (Suspicious but does not require immediate action) |
+ alert | No | number | No | - | Metric alert threshold (Requires immediate action) |
- subClusters | No | array of object | No | - | Array of cluster hardware partition metric thresholds |
2.1.1. Property HPC cluster description > metricConfig > metricConfig items > name
Description: Metric name
2.1.2. Property HPC cluster description > metricConfig > metricConfig items > unit
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://unit.schema.json |
Description: Metric unit
2.1.3. Property HPC cluster description > metricConfig > metricConfig items > scope
Description: Native measurement resolution
2.1.4. Property HPC cluster description > metricConfig > metricConfig items > timestep
Description: Frequency of timeseries points
2.1.5. Property HPC cluster description > metricConfig > metricConfig items > aggregation
| |
Type | enum (of string) |
Required | Yes |
Description: How the metric is aggregated
Must be one of:
| |
Type | enum (of string) |
Required | No |
Description: Is it a footprint metric and what type
Must be one of:
2.1.7. Property HPC cluster description > metricConfig > metricConfig items > energy
| |
Type | enum (of string) |
Required | No |
Description: Is it used to calculate job energy
Must be one of:
2.1.8. Property HPC cluster description > metricConfig > metricConfig items > lowerIsBetter
Description: Is lower better.
2.1.9. Property HPC cluster description > metricConfig > metricConfig items > peak
Description: Metric peak threshold (Upper metric limit)
2.1.10. Property HPC cluster description > metricConfig > metricConfig items > normal
Description: Metric normal threshold
2.1.11. Property HPC cluster description > metricConfig > metricConfig items > caution
Description: Metric caution threshold (Suspicious but does not require immediate action)
2.1.12. Property HPC cluster description > metricConfig > metricConfig items > alert
Description: Metric alert threshold (Requires immediate action)
2.1.13. Property HPC cluster description > metricConfig > metricConfig items > subClusters
| |
Type | array of object |
Required | No |
Description: Array of cluster hardware partition metric thresholds
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below | HPC cluster description > metricConfig > metricConfig items > subClusters > subClusters items
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ name | No | string | No | - | Hardware partition name |
- footprint | No | enum (of string) | No | - | Is it a footprint metric and what type. Overwrite global setting |
- energy | No | enum (of string) | No | - | Is it used to calculate job energy. Overwrite global |
- lowerIsBetter | No | boolean | No | - | Is lower better. Overwrite global |
- peak | No | number | No | - | - |
- normal | No | number | No | - | - |
- caution | No | number | No | - | - |
- alert | No | number | No | - | - |
- remove | No | boolean | No | - | Remove this metric for this subcluster | Property HPC cluster description > metricConfig > metricConfig items > subClusters > subClusters items > name
Description: Hardware partition name
| |
Type | enum (of string) |
Required | No |
Description: Is it a footprint metric and what type. Overwrite global setting
Must be one of: Property HPC cluster description > metricConfig > metricConfig items > subClusters > subClusters items > energy
| |
Type | enum (of string) |
Required | No |
Description: Is it used to calculate job energy. Overwrite global
Must be one of: Property HPC cluster description > metricConfig > metricConfig items > subClusters > subClusters items > lowerIsBetter
Description: Is lower better. Overwrite global Property HPC cluster description > metricConfig > metricConfig items > subClusters > subClusters items > peak Property HPC cluster description > metricConfig > metricConfig items > subClusters > subClusters items > normal Property HPC cluster description > metricConfig > metricConfig items > subClusters > subClusters items > caution Property HPC cluster description > metricConfig > metricConfig items > subClusters > subClusters items > alert Property HPC cluster description > metricConfig > metricConfig items > subClusters > subClusters items > remove
Description: Remove this metric for this subcluster
3. Property HPC cluster description > subClusters
| |
Type | array of object |
Required | Yes |
Description: Array of cluster hardware partitions
| Array restrictions |
Min items | 1 |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
3.1. HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ name | No | string | No | - | Hardware partition name |
+ processorType | No | string | No | - | Processor type |
+ socketsPerNode | No | integer | No | - | Number of sockets per node |
+ coresPerSocket | No | integer | No | - | Number of cores per socket |
+ threadsPerCore | No | integer | No | - | Number of SMT threads per core |
+ flopRateScalar | No | object | No | - | Theoretical node peak flop rate for scalar code in GFlops/s |
+ flopRateSimd | No | object | No | - | Theoretical node peak flop rate for SIMD code in GFlops/s |
+ memoryBandwidth | No | object | No | - | Theoretical node peak memory bandwidth in GB/s |
+ nodes | No | string | No | - | Node list expression |
+ topology | No | object | No | - | Node topology |
3.1.1. Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > name
Description: Hardware partition name
3.1.2. Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > processorType
Description: Processor type
3.1.3. Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > socketsPerNode
Description: Number of sockets per node
3.1.4. Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > coresPerSocket
Description: Number of cores per socket
3.1.5. Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > threadsPerCore
Description: Number of SMT threads per core
3.1.6. Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > flopRateScalar
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Theoretical node peak flop rate for scalar code in GFlops/s
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
- unit | No | object | No | In embedfs://unit.schema.json | Metric unit |
- value | No | number | No | - | - | Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > flopRateScalar > unit
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://unit.schema.json |
Description: Metric unit Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > flopRateScalar > value
3.1.7. Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > flopRateSimd
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Theoretical node peak flop rate for SIMD code in GFlops/s
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
- unit | No | object | No | In embedfs://unit.schema.json | Metric unit |
- value | No | number | No | - | - | Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > flopRateSimd > unit
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://unit.schema.json |
Description: Metric unit Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > flopRateSimd > value
3.1.8. Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > memoryBandwidth
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Theoretical node peak memory bandwidth in GB/s
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
- unit | No | object | No | In embedfs://unit.schema.json | Metric unit |
- value | No | number | No | - | - | Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > memoryBandwidth > unit
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://unit.schema.json |
Description: Metric unit Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > memoryBandwidth > value
3.1.9. Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > nodes
Description: Node list expression
3.1.10. Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > topology
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Node topology
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ node | No | array of integer | No | - | HwTread lists of node |
+ socket | No | array of array | No | - | HwTread lists of sockets |
+ memoryDomain | No | array of array | No | - | HwTread lists of memory domains |
- die | No | array of array | No | - | HwTread lists of dies |
- core | No | array of array | No | - | HwTread lists of cores |
- accelerators | No | array of object | No | - | List of of accelerator devices | Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > topology > node
| |
Type | array of integer |
Required | Yes |
Description: HwTread lists of node
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
Each item of this array must be | Description |
node items | - | HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > topology > node > node items Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > topology > socket
| |
Type | array of array |
Required | Yes |
Description: HwTread lists of sockets
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below | HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > topology > socket > socket items
| |
Type | array of integer |
Required | No |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below | HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > topology > socket > socket items > socket items items Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > topology > memoryDomain
| |
Type | array of array |
Required | Yes |
Description: HwTread lists of memory domains
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below | HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > topology > memoryDomain > memoryDomain items
| |
Type | array of integer |
Required | No |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below | HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > topology > memoryDomain > memoryDomain items > memoryDomain items items Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > topology > die
| |
Type | array of array |
Required | No |
Description: HwTread lists of dies
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
Each item of this array must be | Description |
die items | - | HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > topology > die > die items
| |
Type | array of integer |
Required | No |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below | HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > topology > die > die items > die items items Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > topology > core
| |
Type | array of array |
Required | No |
Description: HwTread lists of cores
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
Each item of this array must be | Description |
core items | - | HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > topology > core > core items
| |
Type | array of integer |
Required | No |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below | HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > topology > core > core items > core items items Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > topology > accelerators
| |
Type | array of object |
Required | No |
Description: List of of accelerator devices
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below | HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > topology > accelerators > accelerators items
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ id | No | string | No | - | The unique device id |
+ type | No | enum (of string) | No | - | The accelerator type |
+ model | No | string | No | - | The accelerator model | Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > topology > accelerators > accelerators items > id
Description: The unique device id Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > topology > accelerators > accelerators items > type
| |
Type | enum (of string) |
Required | Yes |
Description: The accelerator type
Must be one of:
- “Nvidia GPU”
- “Intel GPU” Property HPC cluster description > subClusters > subClusters items > topology > accelerators > accelerators items > model
Description: The accelerator model
Generated using json-schema-for-humans on 2024-12-04 at 16:45:59 +0100
3 - Job Data Schema
ClusterCockpit Job Data Schema Reference
The following schema in its raw form can be found in the ClusterCockpit GitHub repository.
Manual Updates
Changes to the original JSON schema found in the repository are not automatically rendered in this reference documentation.Last Update: 04.12.2024Job metric data list
Title: Job metric data list
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Collection of metric data of a HPC job
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ mem_used | No | object | No | - | Memory capacity used |
+ flops_any | No | object | No | - | Total flop rate with DP flops scaled up |
+ mem_bw | No | object | No | - | Main memory bandwidth |
+ net_bw | No | object | No | - | Total fast interconnect network bandwidth |
- ipc | No | object | No | - | Instructions executed per cycle |
+ cpu_user | No | object | No | - | CPU user active core utilization |
+ cpu_load | No | object | No | - | CPU requested core utilization (load 1m) |
- flops_dp | No | object | No | - | Double precision flop rate |
- flops_sp | No | object | No | - | Single precision flops rate |
- vectorization_ratio | No | object | No | - | Fraction of arithmetic instructions using SIMD instructions |
- cpu_power | No | object | No | - | CPU power consumption |
- mem_power | No | object | No | - | Memory power consumption |
- acc_utilization | No | object | No | - | GPU utilization |
- acc_mem_used | No | object | No | - | GPU memory capacity used |
- acc_power | No | object | No | - | GPU power consumption |
- clock | No | object | No | - | Average core frequency |
- eth_read_bw | No | object | No | - | Ethernet read bandwidth |
- eth_write_bw | No | object | No | - | Ethernet write bandwidth |
+ filesystems | No | array of object | No | - | Array of filesystems |
1. Property Job metric data list > mem_used
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Memory capacity used
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
1.1. Property Job metric data list > mem_used > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
2. Property Job metric data list > flops_any
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Total flop rate with DP flops scaled up
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
- node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- socket | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- memoryDomain | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- core | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- hwthread | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
2.1. Property Job metric data list > flops_any > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
2.2. Property Job metric data list > flops_any > socket
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
2.3. Property Job metric data list > flops_any > memoryDomain
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
2.4. Property Job metric data list > flops_any > core
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
2.5. Property Job metric data list > flops_any > hwthread
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
3. Property Job metric data list > mem_bw
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Main memory bandwidth
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
- node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- socket | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- memoryDomain | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
3.1. Property Job metric data list > mem_bw > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
3.2. Property Job metric data list > mem_bw > socket
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
3.3. Property Job metric data list > mem_bw > memoryDomain
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
4. Property Job metric data list > net_bw
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Total fast interconnect network bandwidth
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
4.1. Property Job metric data list > net_bw > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
5. Property Job metric data list > ipc
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Instructions executed per cycle
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
- node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- socket | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- memoryDomain | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- core | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- hwthread | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
5.1. Property Job metric data list > ipc > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
5.2. Property Job metric data list > ipc > socket
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
5.3. Property Job metric data list > ipc > memoryDomain
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
5.4. Property Job metric data list > ipc > core
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
5.5. Property Job metric data list > ipc > hwthread
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
6. Property Job metric data list > cpu_user
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: CPU user active core utilization
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
- node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- socket | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- memoryDomain | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- core | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- hwthread | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
6.1. Property Job metric data list > cpu_user > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
6.2. Property Job metric data list > cpu_user > socket
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
6.3. Property Job metric data list > cpu_user > memoryDomain
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
6.4. Property Job metric data list > cpu_user > core
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
6.5. Property Job metric data list > cpu_user > hwthread
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
7. Property Job metric data list > cpu_load
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: CPU requested core utilization (load 1m)
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
7.1. Property Job metric data list > cpu_load > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
8. Property Job metric data list > flops_dp
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Double precision flop rate
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
- node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- socket | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- memoryDomain | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- core | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- hwthread | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
8.1. Property Job metric data list > flops_dp > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
8.2. Property Job metric data list > flops_dp > socket
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
8.3. Property Job metric data list > flops_dp > memoryDomain
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
8.4. Property Job metric data list > flops_dp > core
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
8.5. Property Job metric data list > flops_dp > hwthread
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
9. Property Job metric data list > flops_sp
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Single precision flops rate
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
- node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- socket | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- memoryDomain | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- core | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- hwthread | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
9.1. Property Job metric data list > flops_sp > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
9.2. Property Job metric data list > flops_sp > socket
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
9.3. Property Job metric data list > flops_sp > memoryDomain
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
9.4. Property Job metric data list > flops_sp > core
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
9.5. Property Job metric data list > flops_sp > hwthread
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
10. Property Job metric data list > vectorization_ratio
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Fraction of arithmetic instructions using SIMD instructions
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
- node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- socket | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- memoryDomain | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- core | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- hwthread | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
10.1. Property Job metric data list > vectorization_ratio > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
10.2. Property Job metric data list > vectorization_ratio > socket
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
10.3. Property Job metric data list > vectorization_ratio > memoryDomain
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
10.4. Property Job metric data list > vectorization_ratio > core
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
10.5. Property Job metric data list > vectorization_ratio > hwthread
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
11. Property Job metric data list > cpu_power
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: CPU power consumption
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
- node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- socket | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
11.1. Property Job metric data list > cpu_power > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
11.2. Property Job metric data list > cpu_power > socket
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
12. Property Job metric data list > mem_power
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Memory power consumption
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
- node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- socket | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
12.1. Property Job metric data list > mem_power > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
12.2. Property Job metric data list > mem_power > socket
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
13. Property Job metric data list > acc_utilization
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: GPU utilization
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ accelerator | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
13.1. Property Job metric data list > acc_utilization > accelerator
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
14. Property Job metric data list > acc_mem_used
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: GPU memory capacity used
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ accelerator | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
14.1. Property Job metric data list > acc_mem_used > accelerator
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
15. Property Job metric data list > acc_power
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: GPU power consumption
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ accelerator | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
15.1. Property Job metric data list > acc_power > accelerator
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
16. Property Job metric data list > clock
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Average core frequency
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
- node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- socket | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- memoryDomain | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- core | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
- hwthread | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
16.1. Property Job metric data list > clock > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
16.2. Property Job metric data list > clock > socket
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
16.3. Property Job metric data list > clock > memoryDomain
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
16.4. Property Job metric data list > clock > core
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
16.5. Property Job metric data list > clock > hwthread
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
17. Property Job metric data list > eth_read_bw
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Ethernet read bandwidth
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
17.1. Property Job metric data list > eth_read_bw > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
18. Property Job metric data list > eth_write_bw
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Ethernet write bandwidth
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ |
18.1. Property Job metric data list > eth_write_bw > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
19. Property Job metric data list > filesystems
| |
Type | array of object |
Required | Yes |
Description: Array of filesystems
| Array restrictions |
Min items | 1 |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
19.1. Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ name | No | string | No | - | - |
+ type | No | enum (of string) | No | - | - |
+ read_bw | No | object | No | - | File system read bandwidth |
+ write_bw | No | object | No | - | File system write bandwidth |
- read_req | No | object | No | - | File system read requests |
- write_req | No | object | No | - | File system write requests |
- inodes | No | object | No | - | File system write requests |
- accesses | No | object | No | - | File system open and close |
- fsync | No | object | No | - | File system fsync |
- create | No | object | No | - | File system create |
- open | No | object | No | - | File system open |
- close | No | object | No | - | File system close |
- seek | No | object | No | - | File system seek |
19.1.1. Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > name
19.1.2. Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > type
| |
Type | enum (of string) |
Required | Yes |
Must be one of:
- “nfs”
- “lustre”
- “gpfs”
- “nvme”
- “ssd”
- “hdd”
- “beegfs”
19.1.3. Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > read_bw
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: File system read bandwidth
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ | Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > read_bw > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
19.1.4. Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > write_bw
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: File system write bandwidth
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ | Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > write_bw > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
19.1.5. Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > read_req
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: File system read requests
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ | Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > read_req > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
19.1.6. Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > write_req
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: File system write requests
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ | Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > write_req > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
19.1.7. Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > inodes
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: File system write requests
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ | Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > inodes > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
19.1.8. Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > accesses
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: File system open and close
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ | Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > accesses > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
19.1.9. Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > fsync
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: File system fsync
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ | Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > fsync > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
19.1.10. Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > create
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: File system create
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ | Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > create > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
19.1.11. Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > open
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: File system open
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ | Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > open > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
19.1.12. Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > close
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: File system close
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ | Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > close > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
19.1.13. Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > seek
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: File system seek
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ node | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json | 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️ | Property Job metric data list > filesystems > filesystems items > seek > node
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-data.schema.json |
Description: 😅 ERROR in schema generation, a referenced schema could not be loaded, no documentation here unfortunately 🏜️
Generated using json-schema-for-humans on 2024-12-04 at 16:45:59 +0100
4 - Job Statistics Schema
ClusterCockpit Job Statistics Schema Reference
The following schema in its raw form can be found in the ClusterCockpit GitHub repository.
Manual Updates
Changes to the original JSON schema found in the repository are not automatically rendered in this reference documentation.Last Update: 04.12.2024Job statistics
Title: Job statistics
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Format specification for job metric statistics
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ unit | No | object | No | In embedfs://unit.schema.json | Metric unit |
+ avg | No | number | No | - | Job metric average |
+ min | No | number | No | - | Job metric minimum |
+ max | No | number | No | - | Job metric maximum |
1. Property Job statistics > unit
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://unit.schema.json |
Description: Metric unit
2. Property Job statistics > avg
Description: Job metric average
3. Property Job statistics > min
Description: Job metric minimum
4. Property Job statistics > max
Description: Job metric maximum
Generated using json-schema-for-humans on 2024-12-04 at 16:45:59 +0100
5 - Unit Schema
ClusterCockpit Unit Schema Reference
The following schema in its raw form can be found in the ClusterCockpit GitHub repository.
Manual Updates
Changes to the original JSON schema found in the repository are not automatically rendered in this reference documentation.Last Update: 04.12.2024Metric unit
Title: Metric unit
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Format specification for job metric units
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ base | No | enum (of string) | No | - | Metric base unit |
- prefix | No | enum (of string) | No | - | Unit prefix |
1. Property Metric unit > base
| |
Type | enum (of string) |
Required | Yes |
Description: Metric base unit
Must be one of:
- “B”
- “F”
- “B/s”
- “F/s”
- “CPI”
- “IPC”
- “Hz”
- “W”
- “°C”
- ""
2. Property Metric unit > prefix
| |
Type | enum (of string) |
Required | No |
Description: Unit prefix
Must be one of:
Generated using json-schema-for-humans on 2024-12-04 at 16:45:59 +0100
6 - Job Archive Metadata Schema
ClusterCockpit Job Archive Metadata Schema Reference
The following schema in its raw form can be found in the ClusterCockpit GitHub repository.
Manual Updates
Changes to the original JSON schema found in the repository are not automatically rendered in this reference documentation.Last Update: 04.12.2024Title: Job meta data
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Meta data information of a HPC job
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ jobId | No | integer | No | - | The unique identifier of a job |
+ user | No | string | No | - | The unique identifier of a user |
+ project | No | string | No | - | The unique identifier of a project |
+ cluster | No | string | No | - | The unique identifier of a cluster |
+ subCluster | No | string | No | - | The unique identifier of a sub cluster |
- partition | No | string | No | - | The Slurm partition to which the job was submitted |
- arrayJobId | No | integer | No | - | The unique identifier of an array job |
+ numNodes | No | integer | No | - | Number of nodes used |
- numHwthreads | No | integer | No | - | Number of HWThreads used |
- numAcc | No | integer | No | - | Number of accelerators used |
+ exclusive | No | integer | No | - | Specifies how nodes are shared. 0 - Shared among multiple jobs of multiple users, 1 - Job exclusive, 2 - Shared among multiple jobs of same user |
- monitoringStatus | No | integer | No | - | State of monitoring system during job run |
- smt | No | integer | No | - | SMT threads used by job |
- walltime | No | integer | No | - | Requested walltime of job in seconds |
+ jobState | No | enum (of string) | No | - | Final state of job |
+ startTime | No | integer | No | - | Start epoch time stamp in seconds |
+ duration | No | integer | No | - | Duration of job in seconds |
+ resources | No | array of object | No | - | Resources used by job |
- metaData | No | object | No | - | Additional information about the job |
- tags | No | array of object | No | - | List of tags |
+ statistics | No | object | No | - | Job statistic data |
Description: The unique identifier of a job
Description: The unique identifier of a user
Description: The unique identifier of a project
Description: The unique identifier of a cluster
Description: The unique identifier of a sub cluster
Description: The Slurm partition to which the job was submitted
Description: The unique identifier of an array job
Description: Number of nodes used
Description: Number of HWThreads used
Description: Number of accelerators used
Description: Specifies how nodes are shared. 0 - Shared among multiple jobs of multiple users, 1 - Job exclusive, 2 - Shared among multiple jobs of same user
Restrictions | |
Minimum | ≥ 0 |
Maximum | ≤ 2 |
Description: State of monitoring system during job run
Description: SMT threads used by job
Description: Requested walltime of job in seconds
| |
Type | enum (of string) |
Required | Yes |
Description: Final state of job
Must be one of:
- “completed”
- “failed”
- “cancelled”
- “stopped”
- “out_of_memory”
- “timeout”
Description: Start epoch time stamp in seconds
Description: Duration of job in seconds
| |
Type | array of object |
Required | Yes |
Description: Resources used by job
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ hostname | No | string | No | - | - |
- hwthreads | No | array of integer | No | - | List of OS processor ids |
- accelerators | No | array of string | No | - | List of of accelerator device ids |
- configuration | No | string | No | - | The configuration options of the node |
| |
Type | array of integer |
Required | No |
Description: List of OS processor ids
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
| |
Type | array of string |
Required | No |
Description: List of of accelerator device ids
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
Description: The configuration options of the node
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Additional information about the job
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
- jobScript | No | string | No | - | The batch script of the job |
- jobName | No | string | No | - | Slurm Job name |
- slurmInfo | No | string | No | - | Additional slurm infos as show by scontrol show job |
Description: The batch script of the job
Description: Slurm Job name
Description: Additional slurm infos as show by scontrol show job
| |
Type | array of object |
Required | No |
Description: List of tags
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | True |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
Each item of this array must be | Description |
tags items | - |
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ name | No | string | No | - | - |
+ type | No | string | No | - | - |
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Job statistic data
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ mem_used | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | Memory capacity used (required) |
+ cpu_load | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | CPU requested core utilization (load 1m) (required) |
+ flops_any | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | Total flop rate with DP flops scaled up (required) |
+ mem_bw | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | Main memory bandwidth (required) |
- net_bw | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | Total fast interconnect network bandwidth (required) |
- file_bw | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | Total file IO bandwidth (required) |
- ipc | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | Instructions executed per cycle |
+ cpu_user | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | CPU user active core utilization |
- flops_dp | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | Double precision flop rate |
- flops_sp | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | Single precision flops rate |
- rapl_power | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | CPU power consumption |
- acc_used | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | GPU utilization |
- acc_mem_used | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | GPU memory capacity used |
- acc_power | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | GPU power consumption |
- clock | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | Average core frequency |
- eth_read_bw | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | Ethernet read bandwidth |
- eth_write_bw | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | Ethernet write bandwidth |
- ic_rcv_packets | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | Network interconnect read packets |
- ic_send_packets | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | Network interconnect send packet |
- ic_read_bw | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | Network interconnect read bandwidth |
- ic_write_bw | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | Network interconnect write bandwidth |
- filesystems | No | array of object | No | - | Array of filesystems |
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: Memory capacity used (required)
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: CPU requested core utilization (load 1m) (required)
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: Total flop rate with DP flops scaled up (required)
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: Main memory bandwidth (required)
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: Total fast interconnect network bandwidth (required)
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: Total file IO bandwidth (required)
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: Instructions executed per cycle
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: CPU user active core utilization
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: Double precision flop rate
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: Single precision flops rate
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: CPU power consumption
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: GPU utilization
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: GPU memory capacity used
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: GPU power consumption
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: Average core frequency
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: Ethernet read bandwidth
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: Ethernet write bandwidth
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: Network interconnect read packets
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: Network interconnect send packet
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: Network interconnect read bandwidth
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: Network interconnect write bandwidth
| |
Type | array of object |
Required | No |
Description: Array of filesystems
| Array restrictions |
Min items | 1 |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ name | No | string | No | - | - |
+ type | No | enum (of string) | No | - | - |
+ read_bw | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | File system read bandwidth |
+ write_bw | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | File system write bandwidth |
- read_req | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | File system read requests |
- write_req | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | File system write requests |
- inodes | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | File system write requests |
- accesses | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | File system open and close |
- fsync | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | File system fsync |
- create | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | File system create |
- open | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | File system open |
- close | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | File system close |
- seek | No | object | No | In embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json | File system seek |
| |
Type | enum (of string) |
Required | Yes |
Must be one of:
- “nfs”
- “lustre”
- “gpfs”
- “nvme”
- “ssd”
- “hdd”
- “beegfs”
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: File system read bandwidth
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: File system write bandwidth
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: File system read requests
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: File system write requests
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: File system write requests
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: File system open and close
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: File system fsync
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: File system create
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: File system open
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: File system close
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://job-metric-statistics.schema.json |
Description: File system seek
Generated using json-schema-for-humans on 2024-12-04 at 16:45:59 +0100
7 - Job Archive Metrics Data Schema
ClusterCockpit Job Archive Metrics Data Schema Reference
The following schema in its raw form can be found in the ClusterCockpit GitHub repository.
Manual Updates
Changes to the original JSON schema found in the repository are not automatically rendered in this reference documentation.Last Update: 04.12.2024Job metric data
Title: Job metric data
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Metric data of a HPC job
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ unit | No | object | No | In embedfs://unit.schema.json | Metric unit |
+ timestep | No | integer | No | - | Measurement interval in seconds |
- thresholds | No | object | No | - | Metric thresholds for specific system |
- statisticsSeries | No | object | No | - | Statistics series across topology |
+ series | No | array of object | No | - | - |
1. Property Job metric data > unit
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Defined in | embedfs://unit.schema.json |
Description: Metric unit
2. Property Job metric data > timestep
Description: Measurement interval in seconds
3. Property Job metric data > thresholds
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Metric thresholds for specific system
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
- peak | No | number | No | - | - |
- normal | No | number | No | - | - |
- caution | No | number | No | - | - |
- alert | No | number | No | - | - |
3.1. Property Job metric data > thresholds > peak
3.2. Property Job metric data > thresholds > normal
3.3. Property Job metric data > thresholds > caution
3.4. Property Job metric data > thresholds > alert
4. Property Job metric data > statisticsSeries
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Statistics series across topology
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
- min | No | array of number | No | - | - |
- max | No | array of number | No | - | - |
- mean | No | array of number | No | - | - |
- percentiles | No | object | No | - | - |
4.1. Property Job metric data > statisticsSeries > min
| |
Type | array of number |
Required | No |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | 3 |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
Each item of this array must be | Description |
min items | - |
4.1.1. Job metric data > statisticsSeries > min > min items
4.2. Property Job metric data > statisticsSeries > max
| |
Type | array of number |
Required | No |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | 3 |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
Each item of this array must be | Description |
max items | - |
4.2.1. Job metric data > statisticsSeries > max > max items
4.3. Property Job metric data > statisticsSeries > mean
| |
Type | array of number |
Required | No |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | 3 |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
Each item of this array must be | Description |
mean items | - |
4.3.1. Job metric data > statisticsSeries > mean > mean items
4.4. Property Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
- 10 | No | array of number | No | - | - |
- 20 | No | array of number | No | - | - |
- 30 | No | array of number | No | - | - |
- 40 | No | array of number | No | - | - |
- 50 | No | array of number | No | - | - |
- 60 | No | array of number | No | - | - |
- 70 | No | array of number | No | - | - |
- 80 | No | array of number | No | - | - |
- 90 | No | array of number | No | - | - |
- 25 | No | array of number | No | - | - |
- 75 | No | array of number | No | - | - |
4.4.1. Property Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles > 10
| |
Type | array of number |
Required | No |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | 3 |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
Each item of this array must be | Description |
10 items | - | Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles > 10 > 10 items
4.4.2. Property Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles > 20
| |
Type | array of number |
Required | No |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | 3 |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
Each item of this array must be | Description |
20 items | - | Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles > 20 > 20 items
4.4.3. Property Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles > 30
| |
Type | array of number |
Required | No |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | 3 |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
Each item of this array must be | Description |
30 items | - | Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles > 30 > 30 items
4.4.4. Property Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles > 40
| |
Type | array of number |
Required | No |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | 3 |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
Each item of this array must be | Description |
40 items | - | Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles > 40 > 40 items
4.4.5. Property Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles > 50
| |
Type | array of number |
Required | No |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | 3 |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
Each item of this array must be | Description |
50 items | - | Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles > 50 > 50 items
4.4.6. Property Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles > 60
| |
Type | array of number |
Required | No |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | 3 |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
Each item of this array must be | Description |
60 items | - | Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles > 60 > 60 items
4.4.7. Property Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles > 70
| |
Type | array of number |
Required | No |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | 3 |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
Each item of this array must be | Description |
70 items | - | Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles > 70 > 70 items
4.4.8. Property Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles > 80
| |
Type | array of number |
Required | No |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | 3 |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
Each item of this array must be | Description |
80 items | - | Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles > 80 > 80 items
4.4.9. Property Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles > 90
| |
Type | array of number |
Required | No |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | 3 |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
Each item of this array must be | Description |
90 items | - | Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles > 90 > 90 items
4.4.10. Property Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles > 25
| |
Type | array of number |
Required | No |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | 3 |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
Each item of this array must be | Description |
25 items | - | Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles > 25 > 25 items
4.4.11. Property Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles > 75
| |
Type | array of number |
Required | No |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | 3 |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
Each item of this array must be | Description |
75 items | - | Job metric data > statisticsSeries > percentiles > 75 > 75 items
5. Property Job metric data > series
| |
Type | array of object |
Required | Yes |
| Array restrictions |
Min items | N/A |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below |
5.1. Job metric data > series > series items
| |
Type | object |
Required | No |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ hostname | No | string | No | - | - |
- id | No | string | No | - | - |
+ statistics | No | object | No | - | Statistics across time dimension |
+ data | No | array | No | - | - |
5.1.1. Property Job metric data > series > series items > hostname
5.1.2. Property Job metric data > series > series items > id
5.1.3. Property Job metric data > series > series items > statistics
| |
Type | object |
Required | Yes |
Additional properties | Any type allowed |
Description: Statistics across time dimension
Property | Pattern | Type | Deprecated | Definition | Title/Description |
+ avg | No | number | No | - | Series average |
+ min | No | number | No | - | Series minimum |
+ max | No | number | No | - | Series maximum | Property Job metric data > series > series items > statistics > avg
Description: Series average Property Job metric data > series > series items > statistics > min
Description: Series minimum Property Job metric data > series > series items > statistics > max
Description: Series maximum
5.1.4. Property Job metric data > series > series items > data
| Array restrictions |
Min items | 1 |
Max items | N/A |
Items unicity | False |
Additional items | False |
Tuple validation | See below | At least one of the items must be
Generated using json-schema-for-humans on 2024-12-04 at 16:45:59 +0100