Metric Store

An architectural view of the CC Metric Store and working of its background workers.

1. Introduction

CCMS (Cluster Cockpit Metric Store) is a simple in-memory time series database. It stores the data about the nodes in your cluster for a specific interval of days. Data about your nodes can be collected with various instrumentation tools like RAPL, LIKWID, PAPI etc. Instrumentation tools can collect data like memory bandwidth, flops, clock frequency, CPU usage etc. After a specified number of days, the data from the in-memory database will be written to disk, archived and released from the in-memory database. In this documentation, we will explain in-detail working of the CCMS components and the outline of the documentation is as follows:

  • Present the structure of the metric store.
  • Components of the configuration file.
  • Explain background workers.
  • Describing various endpoints.

Let us get started with the very basic understanding of how CCMS is structured and how it manages data over time.

General tree structure can be as follows:

|	|------node -> [node-metrics]
|	|	 |--components -> [node-level-metrics]
|	|	 |--components -> [node-level-metrics]
|	|
|	|------node -> [node-metrics]
|		 |--components -> [node-level-metrics]
|		 |--components -> [node-level-metrics]
	|-----node -> [node-metrics]
	|	|--components -> [node-level-metrics]
	|	|--components -> [node-level-metrics]
	|-----node -> [node-metrics]
		|--components -> [node-level-metrics]
		|--components -> [node-level-metrics]

A simple tree representation with example:

|	|------a903 -> [mem_cached,cpu_idle,nfs4_read]
|	|	 |--hwthread01 -> [cpu_load,cpu_user,flops_any]
|	|	 |--accelerator01 -> [mem_bw,mem_used,flops_any]
|	|
|	|------a322 -> [mem_cached,cpu_idle,nfs4_read]
|		 |--hwthread42 -> [cpu_load,cpu_user,flops_any]
|		 |--accelerator05 -> [mem_bw,mem_used,flops_any]
	|-----f104 -> [mem_cached,cpu_idle,nfs4_read]
	|	|--hwthread35 -> [cpu_load,cpu_user,flops_any]
	|	|--socket02 -> [cpu_load,cpu_user,flops_any]
	|-----f576 -> [mem_cached,cpu_idle,nfs4_read]
		|--hwthread47 -> [cpu_load,cpu_user,flops_any]
		|--cpu01 -> [cpu_load,cpu_user,flops_any]

fig: Example tree structure of CCMS containing 2 clusters ‘alex’ and ‘fritz’ that contains each of its own nodes and each node contains its components. Each node and its component contains metrics. a903 is an example of a node and hwthread01 & accelerator01 is a node-level component. Each node will have its own metrics as well as node-level components will also have their own metrics i.e. node-level-metrics.

fig: Clean way to visualise this example

2. Config file parameters

A reference to the configuration file parameters can be found here.

Note: When we want to insert some new data in CCMS, only the data with the metrics defined in the config.json will be accepted to be stored in the CCMS database.

3. Internal data structures used in CCMS

A representation of the Level and Buffer data structure with the buffer chain.

fig: From our previous example, we move from a simplistic view to a more realistic view. Each buffer for the given metric holds upto BUFFER_CAP elements in its data array. Usually the BUFFER_CAP is 512 elements, so for float64 elements, the buffer size is 4KB, which is also the size of the page in general. Below you can find all the datastructres and its associated member variables. In our example, the start time in buffer is exactly 512 epoch seconds apart. Older buffers are pushed to the previous of the new buffer. This creates a chain of buffers for every level.

Data structure used to hold the data in memory:

  • MemoryStore
MemoryStore struct {
    // Parses and stores the metrics from config.json
    Metrics HashMap[string][MetricConfig]
    // Initial root level.
    root    Level
  • Level
// From our example, alex, fritz, a903, a322, hwthreads01 are all of Level data stucture.
Level struct {
    // Stores the metrics for the level.
    // From our example, mem_cached, flops_any are of Buffer data structure.
    metrics  []*buffer
    // Stores 
    children HashMap[string][*Level]
  • Buffer
buffer struct {
    // Pointer to previous buffer
    prev      *buffer
    // Pointer to next buffer
    next      *buffer
    // Array of floats to store 
    // Interval in seconds at which measurements will arive.
    frequency int64
    // Buffer's start time stored in epoch seconds
    start     int
    // If true, this buffer will be skipped for file checkpointing
    archived  bool
    closed    bool
  • MetricConfig
MetricConfig struct {
    // Interval in seconds at which measurements will arive.
    // frequency of 60 means the the timestep/resolution is 60 seconds.
    Frequency     int
    // Can be 'sum', 'avg' or null. Describes how to aggregate metrics from the same timestep over the hierarchy.
    Aggregation   String
    // Private, used internally...
    Offset        int

4. Background workers

Background workers are separate threads spawned for each background task like:

  • Data retention -> This backfround worker uses retention-on-memory parameter in the config.json and sets a looping interval for the user-given time. It ticks until the given interval is reached and then releases all the Buffers in CCMS which are less than the user-given time.

    fig : In this example, we assume that we insert data continuously in CCMS with retension period of 48 hrs. So the background worker will always check with an interval of retention-period/2. In the example, it is necessary to check every 24 hrs so that the CCMS can retain data of 48 hrs overall. Once it reaches 72 hrs, background worker releases the first 24 hours of data from the in-memory database.

  • Data checkpointing -> This background worker uses interval from thecheckpoints parameter in the config.json and sets a looping interval for the user-given time. It ticks until the given interval is reached and creates local backups of the data from the CCMS to the disk. The checkpointed files can be found at the user-defined directory sub-parameter from the checkpoints parameter in the config.json file. Checkpoinitng does not mean removing the data from the in-memory database. The data from the memory will only be released until retention period is reached.

  • Data archiving -> This background worker uses interval from thearchive parameter in the config.json and sets a looping interval for the user-given time. It ticks until the given interval is reached and zips all the checkpointed files which are before the user-given time in the interval sub-parameter. Once the checkpointed files are zipped, they are deleted from the checkpointing directory.

  • Graceful shutdown handler -> This is a special background worker that detects system or keyboard interrupts like Ctrl+C or Ctrl+Z. In case of an interrupt, it is essential to save the data from the in-memory databse. There can be a case when the CCMS contains data just in the memory and it has not been checkpointed. So this background worker scans for the Buffers that have not been checkpointed and writes them to the checkpoint files before shutting down the CCMS.

5. Reusing the buffers in CCMS

This section explain how CCMS handles the buffer reusability once the buffers are released by the retention background worker.

In this example, we extend the previous example and assume that the retention background worker releases every last buffer from each level i.e. node and node-level metrics. Each buffer that is about to be unlinked from the buffer chain will not be freed from memory, but instead will be unlinked and stored in the memory pool as shown. This allow buffer reusability whenever the buffers reaches the BUFFER_CAP limit and each metric requests new buffers.

6. Endpoints

We have various endpoints so that the users can read existing data from the in-memory database or write new data to it. More information about the REST API’s can be found here. The different endpoints offered are:

  • /api/query -> This endpoint allows the users to retrieve data from the in-memory database. The CCMS will return data in JSON format for the specified interval requested by the user.

Example script to test the endpoint:

#Only use JWT token if the JWT authentication has been setup

# If the collector and store and nats-server have been running for at least 60 seconds on the same host, you may run:
curl -X 'GET' 'http://localhost:8081/api/query/' -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT" -d "{ \"cluster\": \"alex\", \"from\": 1720879275, \"to\": 1720964715, \"queries\": [{\"metric\": \"cpu_load\",\"host\": \"a0124\"}] }"

The request is made in JSON format and is attached as a HTTP payload. The user has to specifc the interval using from and to json fields in the request. As stated before, the time is specificed in epoch time.

  • /api/write -> This endpoint allows us to write data to the in-memory CCMS. The insertion protocol is a bit different. The data comes in Influx DB line protocol format.
<metric>,cluster=<cluster>,hostname=<hostname>,type=<node/hwthread/etc> value=<value> <epoch_time_in_ns_or_s>


proc_run,cluster=fritz,hostname=f2163,type=node value=4i 1725620476214474893

More of the CC metrics supported in the Influx DB line protocol and their types can be found here in CC specification.

Example script to test endpoint:

#Only use JWT token if the JWT authentication has been setup

# If the collector and store and nats-server have been running for at least 60 seconds on the same host, you may run:
curl -X 'GET' 'http://localhost:8081/api/write/?cluster=alex' -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT" -d "proc_run,cluster=fritz,hostname=f2163,type=node value=4i 1725620476214474893"
  • /api/free -> This endpoint allows the users to free the Buffers from the CCMS. If the node is not receiving data, there is no point in keeping the Buffers or the data related to failed/dead nodes. This endpoint offers the users to remove then systematically and also allows then to prune the data under node, if they do not want to remove the whole node.

Example script to test endpoint:

#Only use JWT token if the JWT authentication has been setup

# If the collector and store and nats-server have been running for at least 60 seconds on the same host, you may run:
curl -X 'POST' 'http://localhost:8081/api/free/' -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT" -d "[     [    \"alex\",     \"a0329\",         \"memoryDomain2\"     ],     [        \"alex\", \"a0903\"     ],[        \"fritz\", \"f0201\"     ]  ]"

The data structure passed in the HTTP payload is JSON’s array of an array. Internal array represents the depth of components to be removed. The length of internal array should be greater than 1. It is not possible to remove the whole cluster for security reasons.

  • /api/debug -> This endpoint allows the users to print the content of the nodes/clusters/metrics in case they want to have a look at the data. This endpoint will process the request and output the data of the Buffers in ./var/debug/<further_path> directory according to the endpoint.

Example script to test endpoint:

#Only use JWT token if the JWT authentication has been setup

# If the collector and store and nats-server have been running for at least 60 seconds on the same host, you may run:
curl -X 'POST' 'http://localhost:8081/api/debug/' -H "Authorization: Bearer $JWT" -d "[     [    \"alex\",     \"a042\"     ],  [    \"fritz\",     \"f2163\"  ], [    \"alex\",     \"a0329\",         \"memoryDomain2\"     ]]"