Release cc-backend v1.3.1

Bugfix Release


New Features

  • ef51e69 feat: Add roofline color scale for time information
  • 5757530 feat: add jobname filter to joblist textfilter
  • 72557fd feat: add statistics series render to job view metric plots
  • 8d1228c feat: rework list searchbar, adds project-specific mode, add to user-joblist

Bug fixes

  • 54f7980 fix: Add required key to init config file
  • 597bccc fix: add SQL JSON validity check to meta_data query
  • 320c87a fix: add additional 30d fitler to searchbar fallback handling
  • a4397d5 fix: add scramble to textfilter component
  • 70e6376 fix: allow single partial errors on otherwise non-empty returned metric array
  • ba1658b fix: correct selectable histogram placement in status view
  • b48d1b8 fix: correct status view columns on mobile displays
  • 061c9f0 fix: deselected metrics were marked as missing on new jobview load
  • 420bec7 fix: fix jobname and arrayjobid timeouts by adding additional 30d filter
  • c9eb40f fix: fix metricPlot y zoom reset
  • cbaeffd fix: improve speed of hasNextPage query for infinite scroll
  • 4344c26 fix: make foorprint from statsSeries nullsafe

Supports job archive version 1 and database version 6. Please check out the Release Notes for further details on breaking changes.

Release notes

This is a bugfix release of cc-backend, the API backend and frontend implementation of ClusterCockpit.

Breaking changes



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Release cc-backend v1.3.0

Minor Release


New Features

  • feat: Add OpenID Connect Authentication support
  • feat: Add cluster config endpoint to rest api
  • feat: Add jobs endpoint to retrieve job meta and all job metric data
  • feat: Add rest endpoint to add/edit Metadata entry
  • feat: Allow to revert db to previous version
  • feat: add footprint card displaying basic metrics
  • feat: add selectable histograms to status view
  • feat: prototype infinite scroll implementation

Security updates

  • sec: update dependencies

Bug fixes

  • fix: Adapt tag db queries to also work with mysql/mariadb
  • fix: Use peak threshold for render limit maxy
  • fix: add acc scope to job query if acc >= 1
  • fix: fix scope autoselect on jobview statstable
  • fix: make hasnextpage optional parameter, use only if inf scroll configured
  • fix: move scroll event behind condition
  • fix: multiple accs with identical label, cloned data for single acc
  • fix: retrigger gql api at manual refresh
  • fix: trigger continuous load condition earlier

Supports job archive version 1 and database version 7.

Release notes

This is a minor release of cc-backend, the API backend and frontend implementation of ClusterCockpit.

Breaking changes

This release fixes bugs in the MySQL/MariaDB database schema. For this reason you have to migrate your database using the -migrate-db switch.


Download the release on GitHub!

Release cc-backend v1.2.2

Bugfix release


Bug fixes

  • 4b06fa7 fix: Fix buggy logic and simplify code if ValidateUser enabled
  • bb1c8cc fix: Move name extract from token in else branch
  • e61ff01 fix: adapt roofline render to browser zoomlevel Supports job archive version 1 and database version 6.

Release notes

This is a bugfix release of cc-backend, the API backend and frontend implementation of ClusterCockpit.

** Breaking changes **

  • The LDAP configuration option user_filter was changed and now should not include the uid wildcard. Example:

    • Old: "user_filter": "(&(objectclass=posixAccount)(uid=*))"
    • New: "user_filter": "(&(objectclass=posixAccount))"
  • The aggregate job statistic core hours is now computed using the job table column num_hwthreads. In a future release this column will be renamed to num_cores. For correct display of core hours num_hwthreads must be correctly filled on job start. If your existing jobs do not provide the correct value in this column then you can set this with one SQL INSERT statement. This only applies if you have exclusive jobs, only. Please be aware that we treat this column as it is the number of cores. In case you have SMT enabled and num_hwthreads is not the number of cores the core hours will be too high by a factor!

  • The jwts key is now mandatory in config.json. It has to set max-age for validity. Some key names have changed, please refer to config documentation for details.

  • The following API endpoints are only accessible from IPs registered using the apiAllowedIPs configuration option:

    • /users/ [GET, POST, DELETE]
    • /user/{id} [POST]

** NOTE ** If you are using the sqlite3 backend the PRAGMA option foreign_keys must be explicitly set to ON. If using the sqlite3 console it is per default set to OFF! On every console session you must set:

sqlite> PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON;

Otherwise if you delete jobs the jobtag relation table will not be updated accordingly!

Download the release on GitHub!

Release cc-backend v1.2.0

Minor release


New Features

  • 742c2e3 feat: Add uplot histogram, implemented in userview
  • f6c4c96 feat: Add users rest endpoint swagger docs
  • da8cefe feat: Change histogram to piechart in status view
  • c4a9fcc feat: Implemented rooflineplot with uPlot
  • e80ce7a feat: Rework analysis view top to contain piechart
  • b42a11d feat: Use chart.js for polarplot n jobview
  • 36abed2 feat: add auto-reloading to system and node views
  • 423e800 feat: add hover-legend to histograms & metricplots
  • 3014f59 feat: add new distribution plots to status view
  • 59c749a feat: add select to analysis view pie chart
  • f933cad feat: add select to status view pie charts
  • ed056b0 feat: add sorting in sub-node scopes in statsTable
  • 2655bda feat: enable uplot XY-Zoom for metrics
  • b623092 feat: persist analysis and status pie selections

Bug fixes

  • 80be786 fix: Responsive Navbar
  • 6a1e351 fix: analysis metric histogram normalized by scope
  • 4eceab4 fix: change analysis top users to core hours
  • 8a473de fix: core/accelerator scope in statstable on load
  • 4244a37 fix: correct timestamp logic in node-view
  • f286872 fix: hover legend display now depends on datasize
  • 69ee19b fix: include running jobs case in statsQueries
  • 129e6a6 fix: metric y-range render limit for data outliers
  • c84a0fb fix: push bootstrap to v5.3.1 and icons to v1.10.5

Supports job archive version 1 and database version 6.

Download the release on GitHub!

Release cc-backend v1.1.0

Minor release


New Features

  • c6a0d44 feat: Add optional notification banner on homepage

Bug fixes

  • eed8bb2 fix: add scrambling to user names and projectIds
  • 58c7b0d fix: check if acc metrics are acc scope by default

Supports job archive version 1 and database version 6.

Download the release on GitHub!

Release cc-backend v1.0.0

Initial stable cc-backend release

We are happy to announce the initial stable release of cc-backend, the web- and api-backend of ClusterCockpit.

Supports job archive version 1 and database version 6.

Download the release on GitHub!